"The fact that a mammoth gift to the US arms industry – and attendant escalation of dangers unseen since the Cuban Missile Crisis – could win the unanimous support of politicians nominally committed to progressive causes is one of the Russiagate campaign's strongest successes to date."

Beyond shameful it shows a total lack of morality & betrayal of their role as public servants to feed contractors to create carnage while their constituents go homeless & kids starve.

"more bloodshed; more refugees; more arms trafficking; more weapons falling into the hands of neo-Nazis and other extremists; more war profiteering; more inflation; more global hunger"

The cost of spreading democracy so everyone can eat McDonald's and have corps like Lockheed & Pfizer dominating their science, education and research.

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When you consider that it was during the Obama administration that we assisted the neo-nazi's in overturning a pro-Russian government which certainly set the stage for what is happening now, as well as 4 years of Russia-gate, which was used to push an anti-Trump agenda, but also a pro-war agenda with Russia. Many people saw Russia-gate solely as an attack on Trump to delegitimize his presidency, but I also saw it as a pathway to what is happening now. No wonder the democrats, all of them, are so willing provide the money for military expenditures since this is long time in the making.

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Russiagate was definitely intended to delegitimize Trump and keep the hate alive because the war was supposed to happen in 2017 under Hillary, but the Ukraine coup plan preceded Obama (don't forget we couped them in 2004 too). I think it was decided on by Nuland and the deep state because Yanukovich was going to go with Putin's relief plan instead of the EU's austerity plan. I think it was a rogue deep state/Hillary/CIA coup and that's why Obama refused to send them weapons, one of the best decisions of his presidency.

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Unfortunately that Obama decision was greatly overshadowed by Libya.

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I totally expected war with Russia if Hillary "We came. We saw. He died." Clinton had been elected. Also a return of the draft. War's a great jobs program for inconvenient people.

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This is all about war ON Russia and China. Nuclear war. A preemptive one.

No big deal.

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Bernie and the #fraudsquad are tools of military empire.

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Agreed. But that really shouldn't be surprising - both sub-tribes have their posers.

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Yes!! I should update this tune with a couple samples of Aaron speaking to that very subject. :) Peace! https://terencekumpf.bandcamp.com/track/tool-of-empire

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Excellent, as always...

I would just like to say something...”progressives can turn against their anti-war record” not because of Russiagate...but because they have been “briefed” by the so called “Deep State”...in one way or another...Such unanimity doesn’t happen by accident...

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“Such unanimity doesn’t happen by accident...”

It would serve people well to repeat these lines on a regular basis - the trick is to not give any little outs to any groups or individuals, be they Dems or Repubs, or Trump or Biden. Likewise people need to start recognizing when a public disagreement is a private initiative.

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I agree, but I think the days of "so-calling" the deep state should be long past. 99% of the sheeple with Ukraine flag profile photos don't know who Victoria Nuland is, much less Marie Yovanovitch or Alexander Vindman. Yes, there is a deep state.

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The alleged left, who once prided themselves on sticking it to the man, are now the servile bootlickers of government and corporate power, it has really been something to behold.

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+10 for "servile bootlickers".

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I wonder how much this has to do with the complete acceptance of consumer culture. There once were people on the left (when there was a real “left”) who were opposed to consumerism - you don’t see that much anymore. Even if they complain against “corporations” (usually only A corporation or AN industry) they still embrace the vacuous culture.

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Since "the Left" exists upon a continuum. we have to be careful to not confuse Liberals and faux progressives with "the Left of the Left." Over the years as liberals have devolved to now uncritically embrace war and empire, while clamoring in favor of censorship, two issues once anathema to segments of a good portion of some former liberals, I am not sure "the Left i: is any longer a useful term, at least if it contains liberals. As the Republican Party left any ethical compass and moved ever to crazy land, maybe after the rise of Gingrich and the Moral Majority, the Democratic Party has kept moving rightward and taking over the place the Republicans vacate. This has happened so much so that the "working class," once the core of Democrat votes, now (oddly but understandably) sees the Republican Party as the party of the working class. When brunch Democrats see their former base as "deplorables," in this broken two party system the Republicans are smart enough to pander to the a segment they once deplored in order to retain power. The fault therein, dear Brutus, is not in the stars but in the cesspool of what the Democratic Party now is.

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It is understandable that politicians do the bidding of their financiers so is the case of the Squad and Bernie. Not sure why they are called Socialists when Socialite would be more appropriate. It is even more upsetting that the likes of Marxists Professor Wolff keeps asserting , ad nauseum, that these Squad ladies especially AOC is a socialist. The Squad have never supported any progressive causes in the congress all they have given is lip service.

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Keep in mind that utterly corrupt Biden is also a MAJOR US war criminal !!

Interview w/Scott Ritter, April 6, 2022, By Don DeBar -- Bucha


Scott Ritter’s FAMOUS tweet below (April 6, 2022). He was immediately banned from Tweeter – than reinstated and soon again permanently banned without explanation.

Remember, Scott courageously fought US bipartisan War party’s WMD fraud in Iraq from the very start.

“The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders to Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America…. We’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal !!”


@DefenceUkraine -- regarding the Tochka-U fired at the train station:

Get the serial number of the missile off the debris. Provide a list of all Tochka-U’s in your inventory by serial number. Prove that missile was never in your inventory.

But you can’t, because it was.. GUILTY !! --- Scott Ritter tweet – April 8, 2022


Scott Ritter and The Battle of the Donbas – April 11, 2022


Russian army is highly trained and professional. Mainstream media should stop repeating Nazi-Ukraine and US War party lies and propaganda.

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Ritter once again acting as the Voice of Truth in the wilderness. Scott used to follow me on Twitter. Before I got banned too.

Just a handful of social media overlords can now silence literally anyone, forever, with just a few clicks.

Complain and some git will give you a stentorian lecture on how, "private companies can do whatever they want". Slaves will talk like that.

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TL;DR: Sanders and the rest of the self-styled progressives are weak and easily manipulated.

No, most of Team R is no better, especially not if Team R is in the White House.

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If the uniparty Republicans win in November, we can only expect more of the same.

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Sanders is one of them. Him and Jane are actual friends with the Biden's - they go to dinner parties at each other's many homes.

Kapos are like that.

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TOTAL silence and censorship on MURDER of prominent journalist Shireen Abu Akleh -- a US citizen, Christian-Palestinian, 20-year veteran journalist of Al Jazeera. Same as with torture persecution of Julian Assange.

-- Only donations from US arms industry and the immense and relentless Russia-gate hoax can explain the bipartisan War party’s proxy war against CAPITALIST Russia.

US is a bipartisan terrorist state – crimes and lies everywhere; US and Saudis should be sanctioned over decade long horror in Yemen and elsewhere.

-- DNC and Biden cabal claims that a biggest domestic threat are “white supremacists” – while financing and arming Ukro-Nazis !! What a FRAUD…

-- Your taxpaying money is paying for salaries of Ukraine administration, including card carrying Ukraine Nazis - THINK about that !!



Ukraine Russia war UPDATE - Col. Douglas Macgregor – May 24, 2022


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Sanders is, and was, establishment. The designated rebel. Yawn.

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Bernie is ratcheting up the fundraising emails lately, I notice, and it's all I can do to stop myself firing off angry missives to him. Sorry, Bernie. You had your chance to call Biden out on his lies and force him to eat some humble pie on the way to the throne. But we all watched as you let him tell one whopper after another during that last debate. If WW III occurs, you'll be partly to blame. And that doesn't get my money or support.

How's that A-grade you gave Biden holding up, Rep. Jayapal?

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There is no need for pretense anymore, even Bernie knows the real game is played else where. The "squad", Bernie and the rest are just replaceable pieces to placate the masses into believing there is a "democratic" political entity that upholds words like anti-war or for the people that has lost any meaning to anyone who spends a little time to see what real actions are taken over and over without fail, to the detriment of people all over the world. The US seems lost, along with those ideals represented by words that are now just empty noises which are used by cynical politicians to invoke mindless and heartless emotions that leads to self destructive actions.

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Bernie, Pelosi, President Potatohead, The Squalid (oops I mean The Squad) are trotting in harness to any spending bill, proxy war or insane accusation that keeps them in power. If any of them ever had any integrity it’s long gone & long forgotten.

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Through the process of elimination, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the only player with gonads left on the playing field. Even Trump is losing his balls on the Russia topic.

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Tulsi’s another fraud. She’s already shown this - that flag is going to move whichever way the wind blows in her favor. Fuck Tulsi.

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If memory serves, she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Which raises questions. Still, on the topic of Russia at least she's holding strong. I don't think that's because the CFR has her hedging that position for them.

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Check out this press release that she issued in 2014:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Russia Must Face Consequences for Continued Aggression in Ukraine

March 17, 2014 Press Release

Calls for U.S. to offer weapons, military training assistance

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today released the following statement after the President’s announcement of expanded sanctions against Russian officials:

“Russia has violated the sovereignty and independence of the Ukrainian people, in direct contravention of its own treaty obligations and international law,” said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, an Army combat veteran and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I support the sanctions announced today, and I strongly urge the President to go further and consider a broader range of consequences. If Russia is allowed to continue its aggressive push for control in Ukraine, there will be long-term, serious, and costly security risks for the United States and Europe. Russia must face serious consequences for their actions; the U.S. must consider options that truly isolate Russia economically and diplomatically—not just sanction a handful of oligarchs—and send a message of unity and strength from the international community.

“We cannot stand by while Russia unilaterally degrades Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We must offer direct military assistance—defensive weapons, military supplies and training—to ensure Ukraine has adequate resources to respond to Russia’s aggressions and defend themselves. We cannot view Ukraine as an isolated incident. If we do not take seriously the threat of thinly veiled Russian aggression, and commit to aiding the people of Ukraine immediately, we will find ourselves in a more dangerous, expensive and disastrous situation in the future.”

In a House Foreign Affairs Committee mark-up of H.Res. 499 recently, the congresswoman gained unanimous approval on including amendments on anti-corruption, and protection of civil and political rights throughout Ukraine. She also supported the House passage of H.R. 4152, which authorized loan guarantees for Ukraine.


Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20161212213936/https://gabbard.house.gov/news/press-releases/rep-tulsi-gabbard-russia-must-face-consequences-continued-aggression-ukraine

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

Thanks. Looks like she flipped between then and now. Just being opportunistic in case the winds change? Her "call option" if you will?

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Sadly, I think opportunistic is right. She hasn't explained why she had a change of heart, or even acknowledged that she has.

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Sadly, no matter how 'good' you were, Washington can fix that.

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Antiwar Gabbard signed up to go to Iraq long after the WMD lie has been exposed.

She does not just love the military, she worships it.

Read up on her guru sometime. The guy she learned from. He's a freak and a pos.

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It's unfortunate that the so called left during the Trump years lent so much support to the democrat's Russia-gate lies which prevented any possibility for Trump to actually get along with Russia. His trip over there met up with tremendous criticism not only from the democrats, and the mainstream media, but many on the left as well, almost making sure Trump's four years in office offered no chance for him to get along with Russia. It is difficult for me to believe Obama knew nothing of the Russia-gate lie, and it's intent which was used to delegitimize Trump's presidency. Oh, and by the way Sander's position on this issue doesn't surprise me, since he was a total sell out when he lost to Clinton in 2016 and not only supported but extolled the virtues of a war monger.

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"It is difficult for me to believe Obama knew nothing of the Russia-gate lie..." You're correct in your suspicions. Obama was indeed briefed on the DNC/Hillary campaign plan to Russia-gate Trump and the country. He's in it just as deep as any of them.

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Obama was one of the first to "catapult the propaganda".

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However, no one on the left holds him accountable for any misdeed. A lot of stuff happened during his administration, and one would think he had no control, and people like Clinton just decided to go to war and topple Libya. You never hear he was president when we perpetrated the coup in Ukraine, which put us at risk for what is happening now. People never refer to him anymore as the Droner and chief.

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A human monster who literally killed babies his third day in office. In Waziristan.

He killed American citizens with drones.

Kept Iraq and Afghanistan going, then bombed five new countries.

Now worshipped as some kind of saint.

Most people don't remember any of that.

Maybe they never knew.

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I don't know why they give him such a pass. I voted for him the first time around ignoring an article written by a black man who worked with Obama in Chicago politics, who said quite emphatically he was no liberal, and maybe I'm repeating myself, but I didn't believe him. I didn't vote for him the second time around, and don't understand why his flawed presidency gets such a pass. Norm Chomsky said throughout Trump's presidency that he was the most dangerous man in all of history, and still believes that, but says he's the only statesman who could get us out of the mess in Ukraine, which could go nuclear. I really believe if he had won in 2020, and maybe he did, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine. I'm waiting for the video 2000 Mules, which talks about the 2000 election. People think it's a ridiculous assertion, but if you have democrats trying to remove Trump from office for four years based on trumped up charges it's not.

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there is no progressive movement in the US. Fool me once...

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I'm truly sickened by all of this. I mean, it was given that the progressive movement was dead during Force The Vote; now, it's buried with a headstone on it.

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