Classic DARVO technique. When asked uncomfortable questions by a polite Canadian reporter about his support for sociopathic policies, he called the authorities saying he felt unsafe and made himself the victim.

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Keep up the good work, Brother Aaron.

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I saw the exchange while posting on Caitlin's site, and thought it was important to give him a call, so I did. Later I got a message saying it couldn't be forwarded since his mailbox was jammed. So I called and left a message, and I think other's did as well. Some people think those efforts are stupid and accomplish nothing, but you can't be absolutely sure of that, but you can be absolutely sure that if you do nothing you know absolutely nothing will change.

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Thank you for that! They wall themselves off from all but their voters. I loved Caitlin's take on Aaron courage. Playing that video I felt like I was there with Aaron : )

Again thank you for shinning the laser of light onto the Darkest of DARKNESS, Chris Coons.

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Nah, they wall themselves off from their voters, too, sending form letter replies that all read the same. The only people who get their full attention are those with more than a cool million in cash, and those like Aaron who know more than they do about the details of their shenanigans.

Great job, Aaron!!

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I have that experience with my "liberal" senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan. We are in different worlds evidently.

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As a fellow New Mexican, I second your observation of our senators.

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Do you read Simulation Commander's substack? It's called Screaming into the Void. We had an in-person meeting this past weekend. He came to Santa Fe and 3 of us NMers on his substack, along with 2 of my like-minded friends got together in Santa Fe. It was fun. It's also interesting to see where we don't quite agree with one another.

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I'll watch the video later, but thank you Aaron, for confronting the Senator. Few people have the courage to do that, but I think it's necessary to do so when the opportunity presents itself. These politicians need to be challenged, in part so they understand the disagreements that exist between the general public and their positions.

Stay safe.

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Very true. The ability to insulate themselves from public opinion, increasingly so thanks to the propagandists, aka mainstream media, means the natural and organic brakes people have to check behavior are missing: to be confronted is a mechanism of accountability. These “public servants “ are insulated, so insulated Coons can’t even handle sharing a train with Aaron, nevermind a conversation. Imagine the difference if each one of these “representatives” had to walk among us, not behind the rope and several layers of grunts. Shame on the thugs who bounced you off a train for no reason. The goon squad that enables these people need some lessons on accountability too. Who do you think is more likely to help you when push comes to shove? An average person or a political prick?

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"...bounced you off a train for no reason". The reason was revenge. He's taken on more than Zionist cash. They're a part of him, now.

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Aaron is a true journalist and a class act through and through. Well done, sir!

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You did the right thing, Aaron. I don't think you did, but even if you did, violate some decorum in a small way, the seriousness of the issue far and away justifies it.

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1940s Germany. Wait, they're gassing Jews in Auschwitz. We have the trains running, so who cares? I am so tired of this. Thanks Aaron. You have never wavered from the side of goodness. Unlike some of your colleagues - Amy Goodman comes to mind.

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I first heard of the story from the NY Post, referring to Aaron simply as a far left journalist.


Opening the link and seeing Aaron's name made me smile. Good work confronting these ghouls.

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To clarify, I don't view Aaron as a "far left journalist". These labels are used as weapons to turn off critical thinking. And it's working less and less for them.

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Great work. Don't stop challenging these neocon lawyers turned into politicians. The blood of children is on Coons' hands. Coons, like most US politicians, is a moral coward. Coons has become a sociopath -- as are any who claim that the murder of Gazan babies is in the US national interest. Those who fail to call for a cease fire are guilt of war crimes -- no different than Netanyahu. I hope there comes a day when those like Coons are tried for their crime of enabling genocide and locked away for these crimes against humanity.

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Go Aaron!!

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I watched the video; Bravo Aaron 🤘

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The ENTIRE event exposed the epic cringe MEDIOCRITY of this civil servant so thoroughly that it is almost a cliche of dessicated withered SOULESSNESS and cowardness...but the kicker..the true shame was that he just could NOT BEAR TO HAVE YOU PHYSICALLY ON THAT TRAIN..the GUILT AND Torment THAT Having YOU REMOVED REVEALS IS STUNNING..these moral midgets are "our",leaders‼️❓‼️‼️‼️

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This is a great post but the most impact for me was the 4 pictures, the terrified children on the left contrasted with armed authority on the right, but even more the look in your eyes Aaron compared to those of Sen Coons.

I have the advantage of having heard you Dad speak in person, on the net and read his books as well as hearing you speak but what I see in your eyes is deep compassion. The Senators eyes show what an American man must do to be elected into power, many soul crushing things, I also see many hardened scars of things that happened to him as a boy.

This is really the whole crux. Compassion vs self-hate.

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Bravo Aaron! You violated Senator Coon's "quiet time" on an Amtrak train. Well, Israel has been violating the "quiet space" of 2.3 million people in Gaza for five weeks now. Actually, Gazans have long complained of the round-the-clock background hum of Israeli drones. Coons helped arrange for the bombs, missiles, artillery shells, bullets, phosphorus munitions disrupting the once quiet space of Gaza. May your "quiet time," Senator Coons, be forever pierced by the cries and screams of Gaza's children and helpless people.

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More like 75 years

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Thank you Aaron : ) Loved every second of your attempt at being truth to DARKNESS. When I grow up I want to be Aaron Mate : )

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Coons is one of the chorus of cowardly leaders hiding in the wings when they should be speaking the truth and calling for peace. Where are the NATO leaders who on behalf of their populations should be calling for peace and civility? The rats are in the trap of their own making and doing the dance of the macabre.

Thanks Aaron, we Canadians don't have many proud moments these days given the moral depravity infesting our nation's Parliament.

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You were outstanding in your very polite and composed, but very strong questioning of Sen Coons. I loved the comment about "honoring the sanctity of the quiet car." Your questions were right on and I would hope it, at least, caused him some uncomfortableness. We need more courageous journalists such as yourself.

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I doubt that Coons has enough conscience to feel uncomfortable.

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