May 21, 2021Liked by Aaron Maté

Glad to see you on Substack. I love independent journalism and writers with integrity. It would have been so much easier for you during the Mueller fever to join with it. But you didn’t. You held them to account - to actually provide evidence justifying the predicate for the investigation. And of course the report ultimately admitted they never had it. What a sham.

I’m probably the thousandth person to complain about this but Substack really needs a buffet option. These subscriptions are adding up but happy make room for you.

So what did they have against Kilimnik? Allegations with no actual proof. He denies the allegations and tries to the extent he can to prove the negative. In a sane world, everyone would say - OK DOJ/FBI/Treasury (???) it’s back on you. Put up your evidence or shut up. The media would then skewer them for making allegations without proof. But we know we don’t live in a sane world. In the absurd state of US journalism, one evidence free line in a Dept of Treasury (???) report is treated as proof.

This is not a defense of Kilimnik. I have no idea if he is guilty of anything. It’s a defense of due process and basic fairness. Using the awesome power of the US govt to slime someone with innuendo and then not back it up is disgusting. That should be true of Kilimnik or anyone else.

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Aaron, I just wanted to thank you for your journalism.

I first discovered you from Useful Idiots, where I found your candor really appealing. Since then, I've followed your OPCW / Syria work (and relished in those twitter smackdowns -- god damn) and more recently, your comments on the current happenings in Israel. I actually watched Discordia the other day, which was a real blast from the past.

Thrilled to be able to support your work directly. I feel like I'm starting to cultivate a cadre of journalists who I can trust to at least be open about their biases / to be biased in a way that I can predict and feel comfortable with.

I would love to read your thoughts about potential long-term solutions for the Israel/Palestine conflict. I'm not Jewish but my partner is, and she's an ardent supporter of Israel. We watched your interview with Gabor together and I think she was able to take quite a bit away from it, but I think both of us would be curious about your thoughts on how to actually move forward from here.

Either way, looking forward to your writing!

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Thanks Jordan. I see a long-term solution as a process, which has to start with some minimum steps. Those steps to me are: ending the occupation; ending the Gaza blockade; reconstruction and reparations to Palestinians.

After that, any solution has to recognize that Palestinians have equal rights to Jews. That includes the right to return to their stolen homes being recognized (whether that results in full return, or generous compensation for those who accept it, can be ironed out). How that works out ultimately -- two states, one state, I can't say.

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Dear Jordan,

I think there is a clear path to long term stability in the Middle East, between Israel and Palestine etc...

However, I think we need to take a step back and look at the history of the situation. So much of the discussion of Israel and Palestine is reactionary and idealogical, so it helps to point out some historical facts.

First, the British organized the Sykes Picot agreement which partitioned out the Middle East. The borders and all were created by an empire with one goal: preserving its global control. We have to recognize that there are those that do not want peace in the Middle East, that’s a reality. We have to identify who those interests are. The irony is that those interest are not even found in the Middle East. The Middle East is used as a key choke point because it serves as the bridge between Europe and Asia, as well as a bridge between India and the rest of Asia, and Africa with Europe and Asia. It is a key choke point and there is an actual theory which justifies all this, it’s called “geopolitics.”

Everyone throws the word “geopolitics” around today, but geopolitics has a very specific historical origin: it was coined by Lord Mackinder as a theory for how the British empire could maintain control of its global empire, which was largely a trade and finance empire. To this day, the City of London remains the center of finance, with Wall Street being a creation and extension of that system, the old European financial oligarchy. This imperial system, which is not a country, but more of a financial slime mold, depends on using geopolitics as a means of maintaining chaos and preventing any durable idea of peace and mutual development. Indeed, most people, despite what they might say, in many ways believe in the imperial zero sum gain imperial outlook, that if one nation or group of nations develops, this will be at the expense of others, that not everyone can be allowed to develop, and at the end of the day it just comes down to a question of power and maintaining your power over others, a Kissinger-style “balance of power.” So many today are convinced that there can’t be peace between the US, Russia, China, or peace between Israel and Palestine—not without one side losing out. That’s a world view which is intentionally promoted, based on an imperial outlook in the nature of human beings.

That’s the fraud that needs to be rejected. The reality is Israel would obviously benefit from a Palestine that was more economically stable, with a population that felt like things were getting better, that their children might have a better life than the previous generation.

The conflicts ultimately are made possible because that idea is intentionally kept out of the discussion, real economic development of that region is and always has been consistently and intentionally foiled. Why wouldn’t Israel and other nations want to support economic development in the Middle East, fight poverty, and therefore create a more stable and hopeful situation? Well, there were attempts at precisely this, on both the Israeli and Palestinian side in the 90s with the Oslo accords, but what do you think happened?

Assassinations happened, terrorists were unleashed to destabilize the whole thing, AS THEY ALWAYS ARE.

There is naturally so much more that could be said, but I think it’s important to point out that the reason there is constant conflict is not because people can’t get along, it’s because there are those interests which cannot and will not allow it, and unless that’s recognized and these interests are beaten strategically, it won’t ever end. To beat them strategically means knowing what they at all costs are intent and preventing.

One of the best discussions on the overall strategic and historic dimensions of this problem, in my opinion, comes from a presentation by historian Anton Chaitken. Interestingly, Chaitken’s father was actually involved in organizing the Jewish Congress in the USA to boycott the Nazis in the 1930s. However, the leading Wall Street banking interests and City of London financial interest were completely behind the Nazis, including the head of the Bank of England, and even the British Monarchy itself, as is well-known today, though hardly mentioned enough. And they LOVED eugenics. The leading Wall Street London interests were the supporters and promoters of things like eugenics. Hitler’s ideas about eugenics came from these sources. Most of the ideas Hitler came from the British and American imperial establishment, which wanted to use Hitler as a tool to crush Russia, and then make it easier to establish a world government, which they would control through finance. However, they made one serious mistake: they thought they could control Hitler, but he was insane and ended up thinking he could take everything over on his own. That’s when the British and American financial establishment turned against him, when they realized that they had created a Frankenstein monster, as they so often have.


In his presentation, Chaitken points out many things that are simply left out of the debate. As he says, it’s not even that the media lies, it’s that entire discussions are left out completely. Like, who controls the terrorists? That’s not some great mystery or conspiracy theory, the terrorists are controlled. How that is is another question, which Chaitken also gets into. But this applies as much to the Middle East as it does to domestic terror in the United States. As one report exposed a while back, literally every single case of terrorism in the United States had some FBI “informant” at the heart of it who played an instrumental role in either radicalizing a target, aiding them, providing them with resources, or all those things.

That’s an uncomfortable fact, but it’s true. I think that means people have to be willing to have some very uncomfortable discussions and also recognize that most of what’s taught in academia or discussed within mainstream media is largely junk (with some exceptions of course), real intellectual poison, with plenty of psy-ops, flooding the field, and all sorts of intentionally misleading half-truths meant to keep people confused. Fortunately, an increasing amount of people are starting to recognize this.

The article below covers the US domestic terrorism aspect while the presentation above covers the terrorism and geopolitics question in the Middle East.




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In summary - do you support apartheid?

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I’m getting a “prison of two ideas” vibe from your question.

If most of the people involved in the conflicts saw the hand playing both sides, things would arguably look much different.

The presentation by Anton Chaitken goes into these kind of things in great depth, from the Palestine exploration fund to Vladimir Jabotinsky (Netanyahu’s father was actually the secretary to Jabotinsky).

In a word: much of these operations comes down to profiling. You profile the players on both sides and find ways to subvert them, introduce new ideas, warp their perception of the situation, organize assassinations when needed etc... The goal is to keep the conflict going. Given the sensibilities on both sides, it’s relatively easy to do when people are not aware there is such an intention.

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We do not agree... Settler colonialism invariably leads to horror for one of two inhabitant populations and to apartheid for surviving conquered natives. That is unavoidable as long as both populations are not given equal status -- that was never even considered for Palestinians.

Netanyahu would probably use gas chambers - if this method has not been thoroughly discredited. Using 2,000 pound bombs on high rise residential buildings comes close though.

Listen to deeply moving Dr. Gabor Mate on that subject -- he is definitely one of the noblest human being and a pride to Jewish people.

LIVE with Roger Waters and Gabor Maté, on Israel/Palestine, Gaza war, much more...


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And -- a little more om the "historical perspective":

Elie Wiesel's Israeli propaganda and the myth of Soviet genocide against the Jews

His book "The Jews of Silence" was created as part of Israel’s covert propaganda and influence program targeting American Jews.

Elie Wiesel's Israeli propaganda and the myth of Soviet genocide against the Jews - Immigrants as a Weapon (substack.com)


Yasha Levine -- Apr 28

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May 21, 2021Liked by Aaron Maté

Glad to subscribe to your newsletter. Following you for a while on Grayzone and Jimmy Dore. Excellent work!

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May 20, 2021Liked by Aaron Maté

Thanks Best $5 Dollars I ever spent

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Hey Aaron, I just caught the news you were here on TJDS. Good to know. I've passed this bit of info onto several journalist friends already, perhaps you are already aware, but if not, here ya go.


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Btw, this is David Otness in Cordova, Alaska.

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Hi Aaron, I just joined right now as a founding member because I was so enraged at the ugly way in which the fools at Young Turks treated you. Please keep up the good work. I also want you to know that because of you I got introduced to Gabor and Daniel Mate. Don't take this the wrong way but I really do like them more than I like you :-) Haha. Their "Hello Again" series on Youtube is simply invaluble.

Stay strong. Keep your Chomskyan style of not being too bothered by hacks attacking you.


Rameez Rahman

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Thank you for all your work Aaron, you're a boss.

I would just like to add something to the overall Russiagate picture: the key role of British intelligence in not only Russiagate, but another notorious "dossier." THE WHOLE Russiagate story was launched with the dirty dossier created by a "retired" British MI6 agent, Christopher Steele. Saying "retired" MI6 agent is already very misleading, intentionally so. We're supposed to believe that a "retired" MI6 agent who is now a regular "civilian" just didn't like Trump so he decided to launch a campaign to take down a sitting US president? That's a completely misleading narrative. But even further, Christopher Steele was the protege of Sir Richard Dearlove. Dearlove was at the head of MI6 when guess what, ANOTHER dossier came out, which also fundamentally changed the strategic situation and direction of not only the USA, but the entire world. The WMD "dodgy dossier" formed the basis for the narrative to launch the Iraq war. This was also under the supervision of Sir Richard Dearlove.

So you have the top British spy agency and spies behind both dossiers which fundamentally changed the course of the US political system. Both were completely based on lies, but both played decisive roles for the launching of the Iraq war and Russia gate. It's not just a coincidence. This is just a shadow of the larger intelligence apparatus, The Fives Eyes. That's also why we saw the Australian intelligence services play an important role in the Russiagate fraud with the whole George Papadopoulos story.

It would be a mistake to say that things like the Iraq war or the more recent Russia gate were launched or largely created by the American intelligence establishment. There is another level there. It's seems to be something that even many of the more daring journalists are hesitant to really cover in depth. However, the City of London is many ways the mother of all financial centers, Wall Street largely just being an extension of that old oligarchical system which has been around for centuries.

Journalist Mathew Ehret has done some really good work on this stuff over at the Strategic Culture Foundation.

To quote his article entitled "American Shadow Creatures Exposed: But Will the Empire Still Win the Day?":

"The fact that the blatant lies were compiled on the DNC/Clinton dime by British intelligence and then distributed to leading FBI-connected media mouthpieces like the NY Times, Mother Jones, Washington Post and Buzzfeed was not a coincidence and neither was the role of Steele’s former boss Richard Dearlove who also acts as advisor to Steele’s Orbis enterprise.

While running MI6, Sir Dearlove not only gave the world the dodgy “yellowcake” dossier in 2002 which justified the destruction of Iraq but was the figure who advised Steele to give the dossier to the UK government in the Autumn of 2016 and then send it to officials in the USA. It was in this manner that the dossier made its way into the hands of James Comey and James Clapper who leaked it’s existence via a memo to the National Endowment of Democracy’s David Kramer and Buzzfeed."




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Thank you -- there is an interesting hypothesis on why UK intelligence was so engaged in launching disinformation about Russia, including the Russia-gate hoax of the century, but also Scripal, Navalny, etc.

UK exploded into panicked poisoning of EU and US relationship with Russia after German's Angele Merkle on her own initiative flew to Moscow, ignoring UK, and negotiated Ukraine ceasefire (preventing surrender of encircled about 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers).

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Bravo Aaron !!

Your dad statements were deeply moving -- a noble man and a pride to Jewish people and all of humans on Earth (I loved his cat appearance also)

LIVE with Roger Waters and Gabor Maté, on Israel/Palestine, Gaza war, much more...


PS: Why exactly such irrational hatred of Persia - which is even not an Arab country? On behalf of Sunny Saudi royal/crime families or of apartheid Israeli “democracy”?

See the May 21 – deeply moving, really soon to be recognized as a legendary discussion by "leading anti-Semites" -- Dr. Gabor Mate, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate and Roger Waters. The "land without people for people without land" is a brutal colonial settler apartheid country since day one of 70+ years ago... The unimaginable oppression and terror there is the central issue of our time.

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A detailed, thorough, and informative article. Aaron Mate shows a deep and nuanced understanding of US-Russian relations.

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He's smart and got to spend quality time with Stephen Cohen, a wise move indeed. RIP Stephen Cohen.

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Hey Aaron, so pleased to see you join Substack. Please consider giving your platform a better name than "Aaron Mate's Newsletter".

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I suggest: “G’day Maté.”

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Nice to find you on substack. Truth telling in journalism has become a rare and precious resource.

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New subscriber to you here, Aaron. Wonderful, WONDERFUL to see you here on Substack!

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