Set aside the fundamental immorality of US policy, and, from my perspective, the MIA status of the Christian community in opposing these policies, they will ultimately fail in practice. These policies will only accelerate the movement of nations away from the US dollar as the reserve currency, and this movement may ultimately encompass current US client states. You can only expect people to shoot themselves in the foot for you for so long.

One can only hope that this move happens quickly, for the sake of the Syrian people and the rest of the world that will be helped by the increased safety of a multipolar world.

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What I find most shocking about all of this is the total silence within Congress—not even one single strong voice opposing this murderous and sadistic policy. In fact, it is almost unanimously approved of. Nothing. Not a single objection after more than twenty years of war, torture, drone assassinations, millions of refugees, and trillion$ misspent, across the entire Mideast and North Africa. All of this with overwhelming bipartisan support under Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden. One can only conclude we are country being controlled by the world’s most powerful and violent crime syndicate. A fully networked syndicate made up of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, and heavily influenced by the secretive national security bureaucracies, including the major media, think tanks, and the corporate war industries.

Even at the height of the Vietnam War many Democratic Senators were bold enough to loudly and consistently criticize their Democratic President, Lyndon Johnson. J William Fulbright, William Proxmire, George McGovern, Eugene McCarthy, Robert F Kennedy, and Frank Church all spoke out and consistently voted against continued funding for that war. Nowadays, we hear nothing from Congress or in the Mainstream Regime Media.

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Congress has been redesigned to serve the interests of the wealthy. It’s is no longer capable of serving anyone else.

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hah. if you think that's criminal, take a look at Ukraine. the world is the US war playground. Destruction R Us. A shining city on a hill? The world is laughing at us now.

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Your explanation of the world does seem reasonable—uniting the world’s various criminal syndicates with operatives (or entire agencies) inside the national security states of the U.S. and other “five eyes” governments, buying most or all politicians (always an easy thing to do), then combining that with the “legitimate” banking and corporate sector, and you essentially get an international organized criminal super organization. And no doubt there is some truth in this theory—the WEF and offshore banks prove that there is a kind of basic framework for international profit making, though whether that is criminal or just capitalist (if there’s a difference) is debatable.

But the real problem with this theory as the ultimate explanation of the existence and dominance of “evil” (for lack of a better word), is a) that human nature—and especially criminal human nature—is not collaborative, and b) the sheer scale of such a task.

While there will be some criminal factions that cooperate from time to time, when absolute power is the name of the game, intense competition prevails, with infighting and all those usual “game of throne” internal conflicts and divisions. There are 3000 billionaires in the world, most of whom are psychopaths and narcissists, and I just don’t see them all gladly working hand in glove with each other, despite the performative Davos meetings that are intended to suggest they all agree and are all nice guys working nobly to make a gentler kinder world. That is just PR. After the Davos meeting, they all go back to ruining and killing each other.

Uniting all the criminal elements in the world would be a task that would dwarf efforts by the United Nations and even surpass human cognitive limits. To give you an idea of just how many criminal organizations there are in the world, here’s the list on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_criminal_enterprises,_gangs,_and_syndicates.

Who or what could possibly herd so many evil cats? Obviously, not Joe Biden.

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Pure EVIL From America..... smells like a dying empire lashing out in inhuman ways ..

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“The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.” -Albert Camus

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Capitalism inevitably, by its very inherent structure, creates war, racism, and poverty. It’s what makes the rich rich.

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If you replace ‘Syrian’ with Ukrainian, or Cuban, or Venezuelan..... this applies to all! “US officials apparently see no contradiction in expressing concern for the Syrian people while imposing policies that inflict mass suffering on them. “ How much longe can the USA act with this impunity, while ignoring the internal affairs? Thank you Aaron for your work. It is very much appreciated.

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The U.S. cannot bomb everyone. Everyone can sanction the U,.S.

When the neocons run out of scapegoats, will they fall or resort to nuclear murder-suicide because if they cannot rule humanity, humanity does not deserve to exist?

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they isolate themselves and gloat that they are isolating the rest of the world. Total blindness.

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Thank you, Aaron, for standing with Syria and for your superb investigative work. So few are paying attention, or even care. As appalling as the Biden sanctions and occupation policy is, I’m almost equally disturbed at friends, family, and other ‘lefties’ who were once fervently against the Iraq war but who now decry the ‘despot’ Assad and completely ignore what is happening to the Syria people, or to the people in Lebanon for that matter.

Something happened to the hearts and minds of those who I once thought were on the Left but who now swallow the establishment line regarding Syria, despite all contrarian evidence. Same goes for Russiagate, Ukraine, and COVID for that matter. Another reader asks a good question. What all-time ‘gangster’ power is driving this? Why is each and every member of Congress locked into silence? Are these the same ‘gangsters’ pressuring OPCW?

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“sap American strength and prestige”. The sooner the better. It’s is WAY past time to dismantle and prosecute for crimes (torture and murder) committed by the sleaze fest and corporate rabid dog, called the CIA. And while we’re at it burying in a deep hole it’s little demented bro, DHS.

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Having discussed this with other Americans and one is often told that “they [Syrians, or Libyans, etc] asked ‘us’ to invade”, as if there could exist any population who would universally like their country destroyed to serve American geopolitical interests. Would all Americans agree with a narrow minority who wanted Russia or China to invade and depose Biden?

It’s a preposterous basis for an invasion. How would one even determine such a will of the majority? Why do people accept it as a legitimate reason to invade? I think because they are largely ignorant, perhaps intentionally so, of the culture and lives of the people in that country.

One is reminded of the scene in Life is Beautiful, where the doctor can share a puzzle or a joke with the protagonist, yet he refuses to empathize with the plight the Nazi regime has inflicted on Guido and his family, by casually denying them their humanity.

Are Syrians not human? Do they not deserve the right to rebuild their country, even under a regime not approved of by the US military? Are we a democracy or a despotic junta?

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No thinking human would have expected anything else than amerika's continued enmity to all the people of Syria. For the neocons who like the occupiers of Palestine they support in so many sickening ways still see every human in the M.E. for whom Arabic is their first language as one monolithic block of supposed evil that they are totally incapable of comprehending is actually a vibrant culture pre-dating any of the euro cultures. It is made up of a complex mixture of beliefs & ancient philosophies, many of which share only one common denominator their language. Syria itself was an incredibly diverse society comprising a range of xtian sects as well as islamic & judaic. Was, because since these greedy, ignorant fools paid the desperates of the M.E. - many of whom were initially told that it was occupied Jerusalem they were attacking, were tasked with a genocidal wiping out of the disparate sects, in the name of Islam they were told, when in fact it was for the benefit of amerikan arms manufacturers & their favourite war mongers, the occupiers of Palestine.

For those of us who were fortunate enough to have visited many communities in the Arab speaking world before the invasion of Iraq or the 'Arab Spring'; revisiting nowadays can be a saddening experience as though some dingbat armed with a noxious weedkiller has attempted to sterilise a once beautiful, intricate garden. Much of the beauty remains but there are long wide swathes of brown, dead artificial deserts where amazing societies once were.

We cannot be surprised at the current & ongoing antipathy towards Syria because even now close to 60 years after the people of Iran expressed their displeasure towards that descendant of Russian tsarists who amerika had inflicted upon them, the warmongers, opportunists 'n sociopaths who comprise polite washington society still refuse to move on.

Like the good people of Cuba, Iranians and now Syrians have accepted that amerika's ruling elite will always view them with hatred, for the simple reason that they are three of the nations on this planet who have demonstrated to the rest of the world that defeating and humiliating amerika's self-proclaimed might is a doable activity.

The real irony is of course that this regime of illegal (i.e. non-UN endorsed) sanctions has got so out of hand with some 30% of the world's population and GDP now subject to amerika's sanctions that it is amerika and its satraps who are really being denied access to goods and services. That this is the primary cause of the shift towards de-dollarisation.

IOW, if the collection of dropkicks, drongos and dipsticks who comprise the DC glitterati do succeed and get their war with China, I don't believe they have thought through the consequences, It will be bad enough that all the manufacturing goods which amerikan consumerists require to feel secure will become unavailable, although I doubt what the 'little people' in amerika want is an issue for these types, but have they thought through how their financial sector will not be able to survive once China's government decides to confiscate all of amerika's plus allies, investments in China's capital markets.

This didn't matter too much with Russia as holdings in Russia were not sufficient to do lasting damage to amerika's system, but that is most certainly not the case with China, where amerikan oligarchs and their followers believed that China's booming economy to have been the best place to gain the returns they desired. I cannot see how any amerikan financial institution could handle the write downs that would require yet still remain solvent. There aren't enough printing presses to churn out the trillions of dollars in quantitative easing that situation would call for.

No doubt about it, blowback is a bitch.

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Egads, the US looks more and more brutish in what passes as foreign policy under this regime. Orcs as "envoys." Some kind of bloodsucking demons indifferent to the suffering of others, consumed by our megalomania and egotism. Oh, payback lurks right there, just around the corner. And so many are thirsting to jump on that anti-US, anti-EU, anti-western bandwagon.

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Seymour Hersh published an article today regarding his experience with the gassing events in Syria, it provided corroborative evidence that Aaron Mate has been saying all along. Finally, bits and pieces are percolating to the surface. Mr. Maté’s prolific insistence is gaining traction, Aaron’s ‘never say die’ is hallmark of his work and conviction.

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Thank you !! And -- The Durham Report - A quick analysis – May 15, 2023


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