The title tells it all -- it describes my hypothesis.

However, the role of truly odious St. Obama should not be underestimated either.

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So glad you mentioned his name since in journalistic circles including many on the left he almost seems like the anointed one, where criticism of his polices, his wars, his droning are untouchable and few dare to recognize or claim, he was no liberal. They talk about Ukraine and and of the uprising in 2014, but his name is barely mentioned if at all.

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Let’s pick a fight in someone else’s backyard and start throwing $77 billion dollars down the Military Industrial Complex gullet until we can find some other place where power elites can make some coin and then leave the place in ruins.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

You say leave it in ruins like a glass half empty type of person.

Imagine how cheap the land will be after killing off and driving out most of the people, and then all the money to be made in reconstruction contracts!

And if the Ukraine admits defeat, the ruins aren't our problem and we got to stick it to Putin.

Ruins are actually a win-win for the people running this operation.

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Not to mention John Brennan.

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How many Ukrainians have died now, 250,000? They claim the goal is to bleed Russia, but that appears to be a misdirection for what they are actually doing.

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A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1 -- July 11, 2023



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Youtube version has been taken down

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Correct. Google has been and is a bastion of DNC and security state censorship cabal.

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Please can we have a written format.

I am deaf.

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Apologies for that -- I will get a transcript made and add it here. Will take a few days.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Aaron Maté

I appreciate this, AAron. The transcript will be useful for reference and research purposes.

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Hi -- it is now updated with transcript. -A

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Excellent job, Aaron. Thank you for providing the transcript and for your vital, tenacious reporting.

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Thanks so much Aaron.

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If you click on "CC" icon the audio is closed captioned text.

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lots of smoking guns here confirming what we know but from the intimate underside inside

imagine being confronted with what this guy has been witness to

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Great interview with too much detail to fully absorb all the elements but big picture parts of those silenced & smeared along w corp propaganda makes it clear there's mountains of evidence against the Teflon Dons in Washington.

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It would be great to have a follow-up interview in the furture in order to have the important details really sink in. I know I will have to view it a few times to grasp the plethora of events discussed.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Backstory for the 2014 Maidan coup that overthrew Viktor Yanukovych in 2014 begins with the 2004 Orange Revolution, 10 years earlier, that prevented him from taking office when he won the presidency of Ukraine the first time. Relevant details in this backstory are the roles played by NED, USAID, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and, according to a Nov. 26, 2004 Guardian article, "US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev," "US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations."

Another through-line that is rarely if ever mentioned is the role that Yulia Tymoshenko, who was prime minister in Leonid Kuchma's outgoing government and joint leader with Viktor Yushchenko of Yanukovych's opposition in 2004, played -- because she had been jailed in 2011 by Yanukovych's government for corruption due to an unfavorable gas deal she had sealed with the Kremlin -- as a bargaining chip in Yanukovych's negotiations with the EU that failed in Nov., 2013, not only because the EU demanded that he terminate a long-standing trade relationship with Russia (and certainly not expand it by joining the Customs Union comprised by Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan on a "three-plus-one" basis), but also because the IMF refused to underwrite Ukraine joining the EU unless Yanukovych implemented certain austerity measures, not least of which was to raise the price of household fossil gas, neither of which he was able to do.

Google this for a March, 2022, retrospective on the 2004 Orange Revolution:

"Canadian Dimension Revisiting our secret role in Ukraine’s 2004 Orange Revolution" -- without the quotes

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Once again - thank you both. Invaluable !!

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I'm guessing that Aaron knows about Monsanto's role in the 2014 coup but for anyone who doesn't here's our evidence.


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Thanks for this interview, Aaron.

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Thanks for this interview, Aaron.

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The Biden family is very enterprising!

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Aaron, hi if you're reading this. Can you ask somehow, or find out somehow, what the top officials in the administration think about the population inhabiting the United States? I'm kind of getting the feeling that they can see the possibility of their lives and careers going down the drain. They're being exposed and they're very uniform in high self regard and personal ambition. They will be unable to cope with a permanent downgrade in status, much less taking responsibility for kill lists and all the rest. In that context, they might be tempted to throw us undesirables under the bus by opting for a nuclear exchange and go to their bunkers. Does this sound completely crazy to you? Am I going off the deep end? Should I stay off the news for awhile? Or are my super sensitive antennae picking up butterfly wing murmurations?

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So you're asking if a nuclear exchange is in the works because the powers that be are worried that the jig is up? It's not like some overseer will write them up for poor behaviour. They are the overseer.

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A fascinating, terrible tale ...

wondering if there's any prospect of a transcript, to help with all the names and hard-to-hear bits?

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Many thanks. Any comment?

A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1 -- July 11, 2023



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Yes, details and evidence are crucial in order to formulate a coherent case. Otherwise, though intriguing, it's remains an anecdotal narrative.

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