Spot on analysis. Thank you for courage and honesty.

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So very accurate. So in depth an insightful. You are one of the few left that I can go to for the truth. Keep up the good work Aaron.

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There is a DIRECT connection between Russia-gate hoax concocted by St. Obama, Biden and Hillary and provoking Putin's war by relentless NATO expansion.

The SAME lying team representing the US bipartisan War party

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So completely!

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Enjoy this also:

Ukraine and Russia: What the Media Wants You To Think!


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This is a nice video, it’s too bad that the guy behind it also spouts anti-communist and anti-China bullshit, he also says patriotic nonsense.

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"He also says patriotic nonsense"


Suddenly patriotism is a crime.

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Patriotism is a disease.

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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There is a lot of people on Twitter having fun with this. When Queen Hillary went on rant that framed Trump for being the cause of this assault on the Pelosi's, Elon Musk cut in and slyly said, well, Hillary, some people have some other theories. He tweeted what appeared to be a sort of tongue in cheek op piece from Santa Monica Observer that created a "theory". Well, all shit hit the fan. Every neolib shill media outlet, twitter account, neolib lovers everywhere have now painted Elon as being the most evil man on the planet. Klobuchar was featured in INSIDER condemning him. So, CONSPIRACY THEORY is probably trending in Twitter, and no doubt Elon's name is attached.

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I have not read the news today, or surveyed the social media frenzy and hysteria, but that narrative sounds consistent with what is expected from the evidence-free, toxic narratives on the D-party "left".

The "leftist" Theatre of the Absurd (mindless, meaningless propaganda) goes on, from the Covington Kidz to Rittenhouse to the Pelosi Hammer incident.

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Elon might get the last laugh. he has a very wicked and sly humor, i have discovered. he knows russiagate was rubbish, and that hillary is FOS

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This is a good antidote to the Hillary hysteria who claims this David guy did this awful thing because of Trump. Next, she will blame Putin.

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Fyi - About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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You do realize that extensive collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence was proven?

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Hi, Rachel! And you still kept your MSNBC gig!

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Fyi -- About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Here in Ottawa I have had the opportunity to observe how VIPs are protected up close. I also have a strong background in security as I used to work for Public Safety at the national level.

No way on Earth that a man in his underwear carrying a hammer was able to infiltrate the Pelosis compound. No way.

That and, "Where is the video?"

Unless we are to believe that there are no cameras surrounding her compound.

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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They're liberals.

So maybe this is what passes for normal weekend behaviour.

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Oh, and Hillary's fan club, OMG, OMG... the derangement is beyond belief!

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I love a good laugh. you should see what hillary is saying these days.

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Ya think.

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Prove it.

You'll be the first.

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Oh, really? You don't say!

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LMAO. Your whole world will shatter if you have to face the facts. FEC fined DNC/Hillary for violations related to a fake dossier. Did not CNN just report it was fake? If you faced the truth, then you would have to face you have become a war mongering RussoPhobic McCarthyite monster who is obsessed with destroying Ukraine and escalating this war on Putin -- a war that was 100% preventable if you had not fed the hatred and asked for the bloodshed. Trump won 2016 election because we have a messed-up election process, but he won the ELECTORAL COLLEGE, just like GW kinda did in 2000. Grow up. Hillary is a pathological like, like Biden is, and Trump. They all lie, and you are a sucker for the polarizing drama. Get over it, wake up.

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Amy Goodman seems to be trying to make up for falling for Russiagate by having Jeffrey Sachs on. Sachs is a truth teller and he knows the file far better than most people.


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I drop JEFFREY SACHS FOR PRESIDENT where ever I can. found out there was a Facebook group started 12 years ago by that title, but the woman who ran it and moderates abandoned it and she is now a rabid Ukraine supporter now.

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The FB lady would now say that Sachs is a "Putin bot".

Social Media has armed the true believers with a plethora of phrases and pseudo-arguments that they can then use to attack those who try to speak truth in the face of massive war propaganda.

I said at the time, and often, that, "Russiagate is war propaganda"; which it totally was.

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i need to use much of what you just wrote, so i am stealing it for another thread

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Very early on, i made the connection between her involvement with the Coup and her leaps to blame Putin. But, I never once in my life ever trusted the Clintons, and found out in 1992 of their very close ties with Daddy Bush. You cannot unknow this shit unfortunately, it becomes quite a burden and responsibility. No matter how much I out these neolibs to be Bush Doctrine PNAC sell out, full pictures and all, it is like *crickets* or I am a traitor.

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Hillary is a pathological LIAR, like Biden is, and Trump.

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"We've got one that can see!" - They Live

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Delete your account.

My god.

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@me myself.

What absolute bollocks.

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Imagine believing nonsense like that, and then being so clueless that you spew it here.

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Brilliant stuff. Full on wartime propaganda here in the UK, supermarkets taking Russian vodka off the shelves and other infantile nonsense, and the people lap.it up.

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I'm 75 and I've never seen such propaganda dominating my country, the US. It's a wall to wall morality play with the United States, working under the direction of God Almighty, trying to stop the diabolical Putin. There's actually discussions about how Putin is more evil than Hitler.

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It is scary because it is so effective. I have one friend I can really talk to about this. Everyone else has gone under, caught up in it, even my wife.

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Me too. All my friends have such deep feelings about the situation and have no understanding that they have no idea of how things unfolded. For years I thought the more education one had, the more they had critical thinking skills and the more they could see through propaganda. Yikes!!!!! Was I wrong!!!

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Jacques Ellul in his masterwork on propaganda made the point that it is precisely the most educated who are most vulnerable to propaganda as so much of what they think they know is second and third hand 'information'.

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Jacques Ellul one of the most influential philosophers I have read, changed my worldview irrevocably.

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You're lucky to have one friend.

I just told my young neighbour who is studying International Relations that it looks like the UK blew up Nord Stream.

He replied instantly, "Good!".

And that from a skinny kid who would cry for his mom if you slapped him. And he wants to fight Russia.

We are in so much trouble.

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It's as if much of our population has no concept of reality. You summed it up in your post and as you said, "We are in so much trouble", especially with the psychopaths who are in charge.

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The title of my poorly populated substack is, "There will be trouble"

"There will be trouble", is what I would have replied to Lincoln's "oriental potentate" who was looking for a universal phrase.

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Wow!! Sounds like my group.

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Nothing has changed since Herr Göering said this and it works the same all over.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Hermann Göering at the Nuremberg trials

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Same playbook and most of the population falls for it every time.

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I am 65 and said the same just the the other day.

If you are not for nuclear war on Russia, you are either a putin bot or a trumper.

Mass formation psychosis is baaack.

Stephen Cohen, America's leading Russia expert, before he died last year said that we have "never been closer to war with Russia in my lifetime", and that was before Russia started it's operation in the Ukraine.

Today? WWIII could start any second. Also right here today on a Taibbi thread, complete maniacs who are slavering for it, and who are calling me a "retard" for opposing it.

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Ya, I'm told I fell for Putin propaganda when I put stuff on facebook. It seems the idiots would rather see the world destroyed than to let Putin get his security needs met in Ukraine. I explain to the dopes that I was 15 when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened in 1962. Our government and our population wanted those missiles gone immediately as being 90 miles from our shores we felt threatened. I explain that Putin also feels threatened by us shoving NATO down his throat and how we pulled off a coup in 2014. The buffoons claim there's no comparison.... HUH!! They claim it's propaganda when I tell them about the Neo Nazis slaughtering ethnic Russians.

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My neighbour just told me, "There are no Nazis in Ukraine."

Okay, sure! lol

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Your thesis is solid, but you undermine it with obsequious, legalistic condemnation of Russia for having “illegally, murderously, and catastrophically… invaded Ukraine.” While convincingly outlining the years-long provocation perpetrated by the US and its plenipotentiaries, you insist that the target of that aggression and those tangible threats of violence can ONLY respond with peaceful pleas and beseeching diplomacy. Clearly, those nonviolent means were tried. Repeatedly. Over more than 8 years! If a dangerous criminal gang invades your neighborhood, occupies your street, and takes over your neighbor’s house, must you wait peacefully until they break down your door and attack you in your sleep before you’re allowed to act? Russia’s stated goal is to disarm and “de-nazify” Ukraine, not to conquer or permanently occupy the country. Thus, Russia’s move is better understood as a justified, defensive police action than as an inexcusable, offensive imperial invasion.

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That's what I feel about it. Unfortunately, in the US a journalist simply cannot survive without such condemnations. Freedom of speech and other rights cannot withstand the 'cancel' culture.

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Ukraine and Russia: What the Media Wants You To Think!


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Excellent thank you. I was aware of the scam back then in 2022 as I had said myslef the same that if the MSM has ben lying through its back teeth over Covid then the same applies here. And the leopard cannot change its spots.


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Thanks. Pretty convincing :) CIA propaganda at its best, exposed.

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A new one: About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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Yeah I liked that video, but I’ve seen his other videos where he spouts anti-communist and anti-China bullshit, and his patriotic nonsense.

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Unfortunately that's true, well at least for mainstream media, where journalistic standards have been abandoned, and not only in regard to this current crisis, but almost on every level, which was on full display during the Trump years.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

It could actually be his opinion on the matter. Not everything you don’t agree with is

“cancel culture” or free speech suppression. But you got some of your virtue signaling in for the day I guess. .

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I don't think it was virtue signaling, I thought it was a good point. Any powerful nation would have done what Russia has done under the same circumstances. To go from the realities of this ugly world to a moral stance seems ridiculous. It reminds of what Hud said to Grandpa in the movie Hud. "Hell, if you separated the saints from the sinners, you'd be lucky to wind up with Abraham Lincoln".

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The world isn’t ugly, it’s capitalism that is, that sounds too misanthropic, no need to shame Mother Nature for the actions of a few.

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It was in reply to terms but an edit changed it.

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Thank you for making clear that you are a deranged, psychotic conspiratard, but that was obvious a long time ago.

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Col. Douglas Macgregor has advice for Zelensky

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I've heard a great response to this on a George Galloway show recently and I'm paraphrasing but: "Putin should be on trial for this illegal invasion of Ukraine, but not before the long cue of other leaders and supporters of similar/worse military acts of aggression."

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I've read any number of articles written on what is going on in Ukraine on sites like the Gray Zone, Anti-war, etc, and haven't read the kind of condemnation provided by Mate although most do condemn Russia's invasion, and then take a harsh look at America's role in what we are experiencing now, as Mate does. What I find disturbing is how they reference the significant role the 2014 coup played in what we are now experiencing one would think Obama played no role in the decision to overthrow a pro-Russian government and only Nuland's name is mentioned. Like Hilary Clinton decided on her own it was time to bomb Libya all on her own.

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And -- a bit more on St. Obama and his CIA, FBI and NSA executives:

Barack Obama was/is a spook (i.e., CIA operative/spy ), from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… ).

Snowden disclosed the all-encompassing surveillance of US population under St. Obama after Clapper directly lied about it in Senate and to all of us.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine



Barack Obama’s Father Identified as CIA Asset in U.S. Drive to “Recolonize” Africa During Early Days of the Cold War

By Gerald Horne - February 7, 2022


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Sorry Boris. "Frank" says that I am "nuts" for believing in the deep state.

Is the CIA even real? ha ha ha

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You think Obama is "a CIA operative/spy." Haha. Hilarious. Your comments are an outrageous pack of lies. Total fabrications. Boris, are you a Russian troll or what?

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Obama was built from the ground up to take power for the deep state. It worked too.

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What absurd nonsense. You know nothing about Obama. The "deep state" is a myth -- a crackpot conspiracy theory that only nuts believe in. You have no evidence for your crazy beliefs -- just fantasy world delusions.

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So an old demented man who pisses himself most days is the leader of the free world and everything is just like your TV says it is then?

Good to know.

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No deep state? Stop it! You're killing me!

"Everything is at it seems." - Frank

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I will save this comment to show to people just how badly deluded some people are.

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Sorry I disturbed your slumber. Why do read Maté? For sure he would agree with me.

Calling me nuts is not an argument.

Your beloved TV has been lying to you your whole life and you never even noticed. I would feel sorry for deluded people like you were it not for the fact that you and those like you, support all the wars, and believe all the lies.

The Lennox was never attacked.

No one stole incubators.

There was no WMD.

I know all about Obama. You've got nothing except your ridiculous ahistorical outrage.

Obama killed little babies with Hellfires his third day in office. In Waziristan (fior sure you don't know where 'Waziristan' is). Your little tinpot god started FIVE wars in addition to the two he inherited from his pal buhs. He's a human monster. His wife is "in love" with buhs. She's a monster too. So are you.

IOW you are not very smart, know zero history and you are deluded. Millions just like you in the world's leading rogue state.

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I will trust Gerald Horne over a laughing pagliacci troll any day.

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These Russian Trolls, are some of them in the room with you now Franky? Don't forget to check the basement!

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You have to be certifiably insane to think Obama's mom had a CIA background.

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It is insane not to think that anybody who has risen to the highest echelons of power in the US is not connected to the CIA.

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Hahahaha. Sasha, you're hilarious. Who writes your material?

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The cruel Mistress called Reality.

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You're just uninformed. You have no history.

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Make an argument. Your incredulity is meaningless.

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It is tiresome to hear all the Reason's Russia was forced to attack and then claim Russia had other options. As you pointed out, Russia has tried other options for years and no one purposely listened. Having to say that Russia's invasion is unwarranted reminds me of when I was a kid in the Fifties and people were hauled into congress and asked the dreaded question, "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party".

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Just use the proper terminology, INTERVENTION, not invasion.

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The US hasn't engaged in any provocations toward Russia. Ukraine hasn't threatened Russia in any way. NATO doesn't threaten Russia. NATO is a purely defensive alliance that European countries want to join to protect them against aggression, which is obviously a valid concern, given Russia's merciless unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

After a corrupt Ukrainian government was overthrown in 2014 due to mass popular protests, Putin armed separatists to start a war in eastern Ukraine. At the time, the Obama administration refused to give any weapons to Ukraine because Obama didn't want to provoke Putin into a wider war. So, the US did cause or provoke the conflict in eastern Ukraine.. Putin was responsible for stirring up the conflict in eastern Ukraine, just as he's totally responsible for the war in Ukraine now.

Putin is a Russian chauvinist who says he doesn't accept the existence of Ukraine as a country. He has told numerous lies, such as accusing Ukraine of being run by Nazis who want to develop WMDs to attack Russia. Total lies. He's a brutal corrupt dictator who started this war for no legitimate reason. Any other narrative is dishonest Russian propaganda.

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So during 4 years of vilifying Trump, Putin's puppet in the white house, that had to be impeached was not a message to Putin, like we hate your guts too? The democrats conjoined Trump hate with Russia and now we are suffering the consequences, because the strong message to Putin was you will never be one of us. Putin finally woke up to that reality. Russia is the villain when the US orchestrated a coup in Ukraine to oust a pro-Russian president and supported a bunch of neo-nazi's to do it? Russia is the villain when we promised not to extend NATO and did that over and over until we were in Russia's backyard? I guess it would be okay with you if Canada and Mexico were tied to the Kremlin, and were armed with nuclear weapons? All Russia asked was that the Ukraine not be inducted into NATO. By the way the Ukraine is considered the most corrupt government in Europe and the 9th most corrupt government in the world, and that's 7 years after the coup. By the way, who the hell are you, the NY Times?

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NYT are smart. Frank is not. So no.

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>> to oust a pro-Russian president

That's not quite correct. Yanukovich was actually leaning towards the EU. He only stopped after reading the fine print of the IMF loan conditions - horrible austerity for the Ukrainians.

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I know he was, but we did oust him in a coup. He resides now is Russia.

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Yes, Oliver Stone's movie has an extensive interview with him.

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Are you insane. Do you think the Soviet Union provoked the US when they put nuclear armed missiles in Cuba???

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

Do you know that USSR placed their missiles in response to US placing missiles in Turkey and Italy?

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Yes, but we wanted them gone. They were also placed there because the US orchestrated a coup in Cuba and Castro needed protection. Kennedy agreed to get rid of missiles in Turkey, he claimed he wasn't aware of them and he promised the US wouldn't invade Cuba. Our modern day idiot leaders would have started WW three over the situation. Just caught the part about missiles in Italy, hadn't heard that one. I do know our CIA interfered in the Italian elections, I think 1948, to make sure the Communists didn't win.

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>> I do know our CIA interfered in the Italian elections

I think it's easier to list places where US didn't meddle :)

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Your "facts" are wrong. You're just repeating phony Russian propaganda. The US didn't "orchestrate a coup in Ukraine" in 2014. No, Barack Obama didn't support Nazis. What outrageous lies. Since you know NOTHING about how the corrupt pro-Russian Ukrainian leader was overthrown in 2014 due to massive popular protests, here are the facts so you can learn what really happened:


No, we never "promised not to extend NATO." That's another lie from Russia propaganda.

Gorbachev said that NATO's expansion was never even discussed. Furthermore, we don't expand NATO or invite countries to join. Countries apply to join NATO because they want protection from aggression, which is obviously a valid concern, given Putin's brutal aggression. NATO never promised not to expand:


You've been indoctrinated with Russian disinformation. Ukraine never threatened Russia in any way. Ukraine wasn't on the brink of joining NATO, but Ukraine has the right to apply for NATO membership if Ukraine wishes to. Putin doesn't have the right to attack Ukraine just because Ukraine might join NATO in order to get protection from Russian aggression. You've got everything backwards, blaming the victim (Ukraine) instead of the criminal (dictator Putin). Zelensky isn't corrupt. Putin is corrupt~!

NATO is a purely defensive alliance that doesn't threaten anyone. NATO isn't the problem. The problem is Putin's megalomania and Russian chauvinism. He doesn't accept Ukraine's right to exist as a country. You're distorting the situation and spouting misinformation to justify Putin's monstrous unprovoked aggression against a peaceful country. How shameful to excuse Putin's mass murder of innocent people!

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

>> No, we never "promised not to extend NATO." That's another lie from Russia propaganda.

Holy fuck, the Rachel Maddow crowd are dumb. Just 3 seconds of Googling will show you a number of sources showing that indeed, such promises were made.


>> Zelensky isn't corrupt

Holy fuck, the Rachel Maddow crowd are dumb. Just Google Kolomoisky.

>>NATO is a purely defensive alliance that doesn't threaten anyone.

Tell that to the people of former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

>> NATO isn't the problem.

NATO is an organization that exists to solve the problems caused by its existence.

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Good for you Sasha!!!!!!!!!!!. He hasn't a clue that he comes across like a dictator. and his demand is not that you discuss an issue, but you need to bow down and accept what he tells you is the truth.

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And then to call people stupid, nuts or Russian Trolls. Pathetic liar is pathetic. Frank is a "True Believer". Such people have only one role in our society, and that is to fervently believer ALL the lies, no matter what.

And then he comes here to spew his naif-like outrage, and to spew CIA/Deep State and MIC talking points.

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I don't have to read your links since I am well aware of what happened in Ukraine, and our complicity in a coup that ousted the pro-Russian elected president. If you are unaware of the neo-nazis that even have infiltrated the Ukrainian military I suggest you inform yourself by not only looking at sites that support your views. By the way explain those statues going up in western Ukraine of Bandera. I never said Ukraine threatened Russia. If you read more on this issue you would understand the US was committed to NATO expansion and Russia justifiably perceived that as a threat. Anti-ballistic missiles were also installed in Romania and Poland under the Obama administration, and was perceived as a threat by Russia, and none of this is recent news. I have not been indoctrinated by anyone or anything. Russia's attack on Ukraine was motivated not only by NATO expansion but also by the some 14,000 dead over the span of 7 years many of which were ethnic Russians in the Donbass, and Ukraine's unwillingness to implement the Minsk agreements. If you think I am supporting this war you are mistaken, I am just understanding what made it happen. May I ask if you were equally upset by our many wars in the middle east, all based on nothing but lies?

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Wow. So you ignored the factual links that I posted. You dismissed the information without even looking at it~! That shows you have a CLOSED MIND that automatically rejects contrary information that challenges what you want to believe.

* There's no evidence that NATO promised not to expand, nor did you present any evidence. You make unsubstantiated assertions that originated with Russian propaganda. The claim that NATO promised not to expand is a myth -- a big lie that has been thoroughly refuted: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/exposing-the-myth-of-western-betrayal-of-russia/

* The corrupt pro-Russian Ukrainian leader was topped in 2014 after massive protests that weren't engineered by the United States. Obviously, the Obama administration didn't have the ability to mobilize a huge popular revolt, nor did Obama try to. You have no evidence, just empty claims and outright lies.

The history of the 2014 Ukrainian revolt -- the Revolution of Dignity -- is well-documented and is available from many objective sources. But you prefer to believe dishonest propaganda, and you won't even look at anything else. Any credible source contradicts your erroneous claims, e.g.:


* The notion that the Obama administration supported Nazis is another outlandish LIE that you can't back up. Obama wouldn't support Nazis! That's absurd. Zelensky is Jewish. In fact, the US has tried to screen out Nazis from getting our training or support: https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-america-training-neonazis-in-ukraine

Yes, you have been indoctrinated with phony propaganda which you gullibly accept without fact-checking. You refuse to even look at credible information. No, you don't understand what caused this war. This is Putin's war. He chose to attack Ukraine which didn't threaten Russia in way. Why? Putin is an avowed Russian chauvinist, a megalomaniac dictator and an ultra-nationalist who denies Ukraine's right to exist. He's a tyrant who wants to dominate. He has told numerous lies, such as falsely claiming that Ukraine is run by Nazis who want to develop WMDs to attack Russia. Total lies.

Yes, 14,000 people have died in eastern Ukraine, including those killed on a Malaysia passenger jet that was shot down by a Russian missile -- after Putin started a war in that region.

There's no way to reason with you because you won't even consider factual information that isn't what you want to believe. By your own admission, you have a closed mind that disregards credible sources without even knowing what they say. That shows your rigid brainwashed mentality. You're spouting Putin's bull---t.

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Fuck, refuting your CIA talking points is just like shooting fish in a barrel.

>>The claim that NATO promised not to expand is a myth

I've provided you just one link that challenges your CIA talking point.

>> The history of the 2014 Ukrainian revolt

I suggest you listen to the leader of the C14 gang about what was going on there. Also, as you are so open-minded, google about the snipers, who where from the right sector.

>> Obama wouldn't support Nazis! That's absurd. Zelensky is Jewish.

That's a special kind of crazy argument. It's the same as saying there is no racism in the US because Obama is black.

>> you have been indoctrinated with phony propaganda which you gullibly accept

Projection is the sure sign of Rachel Maddow followers. Do you know she claimed Hitler didn't use chemical weapons on Germans?

>> shot down by a Russian missile

Why don't you Google the video of a test where a Buk is exploded near a jet, showing the very different damage pattern?

>> factual information

Citing sources confirming your bias factual information doesn't make.

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You are not trying to inform me, but are trying to indoctrinate me with your perspective on this issue, but it just is not going to work. I don't agree.

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Your so full of it it's sick. I think your tribal nature is showing through. Do you think God ordained the US to rule the world. Is George W Bush your hero??

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Don't let him get you upset. He is full of sick, and he has lots of company. There is a really good discussion with Joe Lauria on his site, Consortium News. You need to hear sanity when America's insanity prevails. The propaganda in the media, is simply taking their cues from our government unquestioned, as they did with our illegal middle eastern wars. During Trump's four years in office they were not only spewing hate toward him, but conflated that hate with Russia and Putin to indoctrinate the American people with Putin and Russia hate which obviously worked.


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What absurd nonsense. You are blind to Putin's brutal aggression in Ukraine and his ruthless repression in Russia. Putin imprisons and kills his critics. There is no Western "propaganda." There are factual news reports and videos of Russia's bombing of Ukrainian cities, shelling hospitals, destroying schools, apartment buildings, killing innocent people. Russian attacks have destroyed most of Mariupol and created "a living hell" for people in that city:


Are you totally blind or what? Putin is a corrupt dictator who's committing mass murder. He's the one who's putting out phony propaganda, falsely accusing Ukraine of being run by Nazis who wanted to attack Russia. You've got everything backwards.

Putin is the aggressor -- but you blame the news media for reporting the facts. Ha. Your comments are bizarre distortions of reality.

You don't care about Russia's war crimes in Ukraine or Putin's tyranny. You have no humanity or else you've been brainwashed with Russian disinformation. If you're not a Russian troll, you certainly sound like one.

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George buhs would agree with all your spews Frank. Yes, you are that far gone.

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What stupid remarks. Putin is the aggressor. George Bush has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. The war isn't about the United States. The war is about Putin's unprovoked brutal aggression against Ukraine, a country didn't threated Russia in any way. You have no understanding of what's going on. Do you even know that Russia attacked Ukraine? Apparently not.

Russia is bombing Ukrainian cities, shelling schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, houses, etc. But you blame Bush. HA. What absurd nonsense. Putin is a corrupt dictator who is committing mass murder. He's killing innocent people and driving millions of people from their homes -- for no good reason.

"Do you think God ordained Putin to rule the world?" YOU are sick --or blind or incredibly stupid to excuse war criminal Putin who's a coward, a bully, a liar and a tyrant who kills his critics. Is Putin (the baby killer) YOUR hero?

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You can go now Frank.

Those Russian babies are not going to kill themselves you know. It will take more than your weird, sick rhetoric. You're going to have to sign up. When do you leave?

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>> Russia is bombing Ukrainian cities, shelling schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, houses, etc

Only those ones where the Ukto-Nazis are hiding behind the human shields.

>> But you blame Bush

What, Bush has been completely rehabilitated by now? Is Elen cool with him? They are dancing again?

>> Putin is a corrupt dictator who is committing mass murder

I think you meant to type 'Biden'.

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You're a liar, and uninformed. A sick dangerous combination.

If you could strangle a Russian baby in it's crib, you would. As it is you merely wish to red mist them with your beloved smart bombs. How disgusting.

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Is that the text that the TikTok influences were given at the White House briefing?

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The TikTokers and now Frank has been assigned to disrupt substack. Look for thousands more like him!

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Clinical. Thank you, Aaron!

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Col. Douglas Macgregor has advice for Zelensky

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Hvala, Boris!

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A i ovo:

In words of Patrick Lawrence, Russia's special operation in Ukraine is "Regrettable but necessary."


War criminals here are Biden and the US War uni-party (both D and R)

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Uzivaj i u ovome:

Ukraine and Russia: What the Media Wants You To Think!


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Nenade, nesto sto ce Te mozda razveseliti u ovoj sveopcoj ludnici. Is Slobodne Dalmacije:


Slobodna Dalmacija – 13. Ozujak, 2022

Naš poznati stručnjak kontra svih: ‘Za sve je kriva Amerika, ovo što radi Putin nije invazija. Hrvatska će snositi posljedice jer šalje oružje. Ne branim Ruse, govorim ono što jest‘ – (Izvrsno i tocno)

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Ovaj tip je super, da, ali naknadno ubaceni “fact-checking” koji recitira sluzbenu liniju i naziva ga ruskim propagandistom! Pa zar i kod nas “fact-checkers” ispiru mozak s tako ocitom propagandom?! Pojma nisam imao jer uopce ne konzumiram nase medije.

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US bipartisan War party is everywhere...

Editors of all large newspapers in Europe are paid by CIA -- so in Croatia also (see a book on that by former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

But -- more and more people realize that Joe Biden cabal and a bipartisan US War party are war criminals and killers.

In words of Patrick Lawrence, Russia's special operation in Ukraine is "Regrettable but necessary."


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Thank you for this. A convincing and enviable level of detail. I also greatly benefitted from your discussions with Jimmy Dore. I've linked this post on my own low-low volume substack, for whatever little that is worth.

Some people -- like myself -- might also benefit from some general historical context. So I will shamelessly promote a post I was just finishing when yours appeared in my mailbox. Most of the people I deal with are fervently anti-Putin. But Russia has security concerns that swing entirely of its leader, no matter who that might be.

This is NOT just about Putin, or all about Putin. So that's what I was attempting to explain to the less-informed audience I belong to and know. https://americanexile.substack.com/p/russia-real-security-concerns-real

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It's all about Putin. He attacked Ukraine without provocation. Ukraine didn't threat Russia in any way. Putin is committing war crimes, bombing civilians and committing mass murder of innocent people.

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>> He attacked Ukraine without provocation

The amassing of troops starting in the spring of last year, anybody?

Much increased shelling of DPR/LNR in the weeks leading to the attack?

Zelensky boasting of getting a nuclear weapons?

US-run bio-labs?

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You eagerly believe any disinformation put out by Kremlin propaganda. You don't check the facts. You don't seem to care about the truth.

"Russia Is Lying About Evidence of Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine, Russian Biologists Say ~"

"Russian scientists who have looked at the documents Russia calls proof of 'bioweapons labs' in Ukraine say there is no evidence for such claims.

March 17 2022

"AT CONSIDERABLE RISK to their own safety, 10 Russian biologists, including researchers who remain in Russia, have publicly accused the Russian government of lying about having proof that biological weapons were being developed in Ukrainian labs funded by the United States.

"According to the biologists, documents presented to the public last week by Russia’s defense ministry as supposed evidence of covert “bioweapons labs” under Pentagon control in Ukraine actually describe relatively harmless collections of pathogens used for public health research...."


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That very well could be true. How does it explain the apocalyptic statement from Nuland that Russia will use the findings in the labs to conduct a bio-attack? Can't have it both ways.

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You gullibly accept Russian disinformation about "US-run bio-labs." Where's the proof? There is none. No, Zelensky never "boasted of getting nuclear weapons." What hogwash. You're just repeating Putin's lies. You have no evidence for the phony propaganda that you're using to excuse Putin's aggression and mass murder. Your excuses for Putin's unprovoked war are shameful. Yes, there are Nazis in Ukraine, but they aren't running the country. Cut the bull.

Your article doesn't prove your claim about NATO expansion. As the article notes, Gorbachev (who was Russia's leader at the time) said "the topic of NATO expansion was never discussed." Yes, some Western leaders said NATO wouldn't expand, but that was when the Warsaw Pact still existed, so expansion wasn't possible then.

PolitiFact found that "NATO as an organization made no such pledge about the alliance not expanding eastward."


NATO expanded only because east European countries wanted to join in order to get security and protection from aggression, not because the US tried to expand NATO. NATO has never threatened Russia. Russia (not NATO) is the threat to peace.

Various statements about NATO 30 years ago aren't binding now, nor do they justify Putin's brutal attack on Ukraine which wasn't on the brink of joining NATO, anyway. Ukraine hasn't threatened Russia in any way. The war isn't about NATO or the US. The war is about Putin's murderous unprovoked aggression. I guess you approve of Putin's monstrous war.

You say "Tell that to the people of former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc."

NATO didn't militarily intervene in Iraq or Syria. You don't know what you're talking about. There is no "etc." You aren't even trying to be accurate.

NATO intervened in Afghanistan because the 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered NATO's clause for collective defensive reaction to an attack on any member. In 2011, NATO intervened briefly in Libya to support a popular rebellion against the brutal dictator Ghaddafi. I doubt anyone in Libya objected to NATO's intervention to help get rid of Ghaddafi. In 1999, "NATO's intervention was prompted by Yugoslavia's bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Albanians, which drove the Albanians into neighboring countries and had the potential to destabilize the region."

You seem to be an apologist for dictator Putin's aggression, so I assume you approve of Russia's bombing of Ukrainian cities, senseless destruction of neighborhoods and wholesale murder of innocent people in Ukraine. Your comments are as despicable as Nazi apologists who made excuses for Hitler's aggression and genocide.

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>> "US-run bio-labs." Where's the proof?

Testimony of Victoria Nuland.

>> No, Zelensky never "boasted of getting nuclear weapons.

Watch his speech at the München security conference.

>> You have no evidence for the phony propaganda

Another one of those projections.

>> unprovoked war

Hey, how about them 11,000 dead Russian speaking Ukrainians? How about Ukraine refusing to implement the Minsk agreements they signed? Inconvenient truth, my friend.

>> PolitiFact found

If that's your go-to source, then it's no wonder you hold the opinions you do.

>> not because the US tried to expand NATO

Hey, I have a bridge for sale. Interested?

>> Various statements about NATO 30 years ago aren't binding now

That seems par for the course. Just like US can willy-nilly just unilaterally exit the weapons treaties, right?

>> Putin's brutal attack on Ukraine

For brutal, may I refer you to the shock and awe way NATO/US conduct wars? I know, 20 years ago is a long time for the fact deniers, but you still may recall what happened in Iraq.

>> The war isn't about NATO or the US

It is exactly about that. And the 11,000 dead Russian speaking Ukrainians. US/NATO will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.

>> NATO didn't militarily intervene in Iraq or Syria.

You are splitting hairs here. I also notice you conveniently omitted Libya and Afghanistan.

>> NATO intervened in Afghanistan

Afghanistan didn't attack the US.

>> NATO intervened briefly in Libya

Now that's some award-winning white-washing.

>> against the brutal dictator Ghaddafi

Is that what the CIA talking point is these days? Ghaddafi was actually playing ball by that time. His big mistake was saying he wanted to trade the oil for gold. Death sentence.

>> prompted by Yugoslavia's bloodshed and ethnic cleansing

Hmm, sounds exactly like what the Ukro-Nazis were doing in Donbass, no?

>> You seem to be an apologist for dictator Putin

No, I appoint the blame on the US first and foremost. Putin's actions are a direct result of the collecting West telling him to fuck off one too many times.

>> Russia's bombing of Ukrainian cities

In fact, it's the Ukro-Nazis who shell the buildings upon retreating. Russians establish humanitarian corridors, not raze the cities like the US does.

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More of your LIES, Russian disinformation and phony excuses for Putin's mass murder of Ukrainians. You don't back up your false claims with sources -- because you don't have any.

* No, Victoria Nuland didn't say there are bio-weapon labs in Ukraine. That's a deliberate misquote. She referred to normal biological labs, not weapons in Ukraine.

* No, Zelensky didn't "boast" about getting nuclear weapons. You can't quote him as saying that -- because he never said that. Where's your quote from him? You don't have one -- because you're lying! Ukraine doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.

* You falsely claimed that NATO intervened in Syria and Iraq. That shows you don't know basic facts -- or you're just a liar

* The 9/11 terrorist attacks were planned in Afghanistan by Al Qaeda under Taliban protection. So, NATO's intervention was justified under Article 5 of mutual self-defense. It wasn't aggression. I didn't omit mention of Afghanistan or Libya. You lied again.

* You're posting outright lies, such as falsely blaming "Ukro-Nazis who shell the buildings upon retreating." Reporters in Ukraine have seen and filmed hundreds of attacks by Russian artillery, tanks and warplanes on apartments, schools, hospitals, etc. Bombing of civilian targets around Kyiv and other cities weren't caused by retreating Ukrainian forces, which weren't retreating from those areas.


Russian Foreign Secretary even admitted that Russia deliberately bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol, which he falsely claimed was evacuated. In fact, pregnant women were wounded and killed there. https://khpg.org/en/1608810176

The bombing of a theater in Mariupol where Ukrainian civilian were sheltering had no connection to retreating forces or any military objective. It's just Russian terror bombing.


You're a dishonest apologist for Russian war crimes. You support Russia's unprovoked war and mass murder in Ukraine. You support Putin, the baby-killer. Your absurd distortions are despicable lies on a par with Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

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>> Putin's mass murder of Ukrainians

Please, provide a shred of proof. You are too emotional, it seems.

>> She referred to normal biological labs, not weapons in Ukraine.

Why is then she is concerned Russian troops will get their hands on it and use it? Again, can't have it both ways.

>> You can't quote him as saying that -

Watch him speak at the München conference a few weeks ago.

>> You falsely claimed that NATO intervened in Syria and Iraq

US and UK did - that's enough of the NATO for me.

>> he 9/11 terrorist attacks were planned in Afghanistan by Al Qaeda under Taliban protection

Did you forget - or simply didn't know - that Taliban offered to extradite Osama to the US and the US refused?

>> "Ukro-Nazis who shell the buildings upon retreating."

That's what people in the area say after being liberated.

>> Reporters in Ukraine have seen and filmed hundreds of attacks by Russian artillery,

Please, provide them. Are these reporters embedded with the Russian troops? I am particularly interested in the videos of the planes bombing apartment buildings. Not from the video games.

I will be first to admit that there can and will be mistakes. But you should also admit that the Ukro-Nazis use civilians as human shields.

>> according to Ukrainian member of parliament Sergiy Taruta

>> The Azov Battalion, a paramilitary unit that is part of Ukraine's national guard

How nice of NPR not to mention that it is a neo-Nazi unit fully integrated into Ukrainian military. The only military in the world with openly Nazi units.

>> You support Russia's unprovoked war

Again, your lack of historical perspective is showing.

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You have too much time and energy to be a normal person. You are not.

You are some kind of fanatic.

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It's all very sad. Sympathies to the civilian people in Ukraine caught up in the war.

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"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter. Without UN authorization," Neither US's invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq were sanctioned by the UN. When the US asked for permission for Iraq they got laughed out of the institution since everyone in the room, except apparently Colin Powell, knew not a single on of his claims was true.

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SO the murder of 14,000 innocent civilians in the Donbas, by Ukrainian thugs was acceptable then?

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Thank you for highlighting this. It would have been helpful if Aaron, in his otherwise excellent article, had done so.

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Future historians will be combing through Mate's archive. His meticulous reporting on Russiagate, the corruption of the OPCW, and the continuing crisis in Ukraine comprehensively documents these events thus preserving the closets thing to the truth for future generations.

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I am pushing this far and wide. Thank you for everything you do. Reinventing the Left will be a huge struggle before us.

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I don’t really know what reinventing the left would be now or if it’s possible. If the reinvention of the “left” continues as it has been it will just become more uniform and more right (a few differences on social issues revolving around genitalia and skin color will continue to provide an “obvious” difference) and focused on Side Blue. For all the good work Aaron has done, I’m afraid his work (as well as that of Dore, Greenwall, etc.) is mostly just absorbed by Side Red and may be functionally, though not intentionally, serving to strengthen Side Red at the expense of any true left. I wish they would stop focusing so much on targeting Democrats and target both sides of the problem which includes Republicans and Side Red. If targeting the problems with Side Red is left to the corporate media groups we are in a potentially hopeless situation. We may well find ourselves in a much more controlled society with an mixture of both the left and right forms of authoritarianism.

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Also, when discourse is no longer possible, then look what happened in Russia/Ukraine? I can only hope that the duopoly is about to implode on all these issues and become so confused and conflicted, that we finally turn to an alternative non-corporate leader where independents pull off a new party or just a outsider leader for our country.

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It does generally look hopeless. We know we have to break out of the corporate billionaire class duopoly. Follow the money? It is a bipartisan scam. Now we have authoritarianism from the Faux Left or Regressive Left. More progressive lefties than you know do not buy the perverse identity politic game which has just become another commercialized hoax. I think we are trying to get back to basics, which revolves more about class issues and when is too much too much in the hands of billionaires who now function like renegade nations as well as buying our politicians.

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Analysis good, but we need to make suggestions that even simpletons can understand. Mine is that either Germany (where I live) or the US should immediately declare that Ukraine will never join NATO and that Ukraine will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons (or the infrastructure enabling them). It may be too late for that but we should try.

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Yes, t’would be grand and a potential defuser, but why just Germany and/or the United States “declaring” Ukraine will never join NATO? We all know that declarations can be ignored or swept away quickly by so-called mitigating circumstances. This boat leaks. Should it not be all NATO states signing an ironclad document stating Ukraine and Georgia will never be admitted to NATO? Or at least for 25 years, and at that point it would come up for renewal or revision?

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A new customer for Raytheon and cheap labor for Brussels.

That is what motivated bureaucrats to risk nuclear war.

They were warned.

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In a nutshell, my first takes on this on Twitter was this was all provoked, Putin should have been more surgical, and US should not meddle in the politics of other countries, and Hillary did it!! When this, 2014, and RussiaGate all collided in my head in one beg angry volcanic explosion, I had to go double up on my blood pressure meds. I had no idea both sides of the aisle would slaughter me. Poor Peter Daou, he is so freaking at the Left right now.

Lee Camp just tweeted: "74% of Americans say they support a no-fly zone over Ukraine. You people need to learn what that means. It essentially means nuclear war. If NATO creates a no-fly zone then they have to be prepared to shoot down Russian jets, which means it could easily trigger nuclear war."

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An analysis packed with facts that gives us much needed background and context. It slices through the propaganda in the mainstream media which is devoid of any facts. Bravo Aaron!

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Aaron states that: “Russia's invasion is an illegal and catastrophic escalation.” However, after reading his devastating indictment of US meddling and interference in Ukrainian affairs, I find it hard to see what other choice Russia had. Is it even within the realm of ludicrous possibility that the US would simply abandon its policy toward Ukraine, but even more so, its policy toward Russia. I seriously doubt it.

The US War Party has no serious opposition. Those representing the Left in Congress are unwilling to call out Biden, Blinken, and Sullivan for their criminal encouragement of Zelensk’s insane provocations in the face of Putin’s red lines. Ukrainian blood is on their hands. Perhaps they see the fascist turn the US has taken and simply want to keep their heads.

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Indeed, US will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. That rabid Russiagater and liar Schiff laid the cards on the table, more or less declaring the war on Russia.

How all the pearl-clutching liberals don't see that will forever remain a mystery.

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