Thanks you, Aaron, for writing this important information. I can only wish that it would be read by the other journalists in the mainstream. I’ll be in Syria and Lebanon for the next 4 weeks. Chuck Scurich

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Bravo Aaron for your tireless efforts to unmask the US crimes against Syria.

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I'm looking forward to the second section. You use simple logic (bubbling puddles), data and standards to make the complicity clear. I'm so grateful to have your journalism to back up the hunches I've had that something was amiss.

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Lux et Veritas. Thank you Brother Aaron. Your passion of purpose and love for the Truth makes you one of the few people in your "field" deserving of respect. Agape and affection. ❤🖖!!!

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Fantastic read

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

When I think of white helmets in a war zone I for some reason think of UN peacekeepers but obviously this white helmet group has nothing to do with that, and UN peacekeepers wear blue helmets. Sounds like this white helmet group should be wearing black helmets to more clearly signal their purpose and reduce confusion. The UN was formed for a purpose, if anyone should be assisting with collecting evidence maybe it should be UN peacekeepers or the OPCW itself or at least an unbiased international organization without a special agenda instead of something founded by a shady private intelligence or military contractor. Why don’t we have Lockheed Martin gather the evidence necessary to determine if bombing should commence? /s Conflict of interest.

As a taxpayer I don’t want my money going to fund useless wars of death and profit, started on the basis of crooked intelligence and it sure has happen too many times already - that’s where my interest lies. With reporting like yours, I hope War and slaughter will finally get the bad reputation they deserve instead as serving as a substitutes for Monday night football complete with mainstream media cheerleaders.

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As the UN is basically an arm of the West, I don't much trust their Blue Helmets either.

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How far up the chain in the US and UK does the knowledge of this corruption go? So disgusting. Makes the argument that the US never should be involved with toppling another peoples government. I think Trump said this. Peace negotiations only. We have enough corruption to uncover and fix here. Get out of the war game of others. If we are attacked, then it may be time to defend our families.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

Go tell that neoconservative asshole Vaush this.

Claimed dozens of chemical weapons attacks were done by Assad. These freaks won’t admit they killed hundreds of thousands of ppl supporting wahhabists.

I’m sure these cretins think us hoarding Syria’s oil and wheat is a humanitarian deed. Like it doesn’t cause just as much suffering as the conventional warfare we’ve fueled.

Syria is supposed to be one of grandest wonders if the world. This is an affront to history, beauty, humanity…freaking evil.

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Great Journalism by a great journalist...much needed in this era when MSM has been coopted.

Canada has played a shameful role by supporting this whole charade, also giving sanctuary to some while betraying others left in Jordan after the "miraculous" evacuation of the White Helmets through the Occupied Golan Heights into Israel.

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Ah, facts. Something we see almost none of in US foreign policy, not surprising because our foreign policy is almost entirely a military policy, and the goal of the latter the suppression of any narrative but our own and the destruction of whichever target we have chosen to punish. The US has become a mass purveyor of disinformation and flat out lies to support its violence around the world, to provide the pretexts needed to con the American public into believing the US is under constant assault from our chosen "Evil Men" that requires the endless expenditure of weapons so they can be replaced and replaced and replaced. Why else Ukraine? What a war toys manufacturer's wet dream! And like the OPCW, the corruption of which was encouraged by Washington, the IAEA is no longer a credible "international" entity, but an echo chamber for whatever Washington's goals may be today. The US is truly a rogue nation with lots of printed money, lots of expendable soldiers, and no values that don't sell weapons.

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One of the most devastating effects of such chains of corruption is the total delegitimisation of the supposedly "impartial" international watchdogs. How to trust the OPCW after learning about its opaque compromised Douma report? How to trust the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights after reading its recent unreliable flawed "Assessment of Human Rights Concerns in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region"?

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I believe it is horrible beyond belief that Sarin gas was used against the citizens of Syria. One of the Syrian refugees I am sponsoring told me how the sound of the Sarin bombs dropping was different from the other bombs, and he remembers the blue , bloated bodies of those who succumbed to the gas.😭

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And yet, not a single body was ever exhumed and / identified using available forensic science to have died due to Sarin in 10+ years of Syrian "conflict" (read: jihadi attempt to overthrow government of Syria and install some sort of Islamic caliphate).

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Great work on this Aaron I found it very useful for my research on the Western media and civil society schemes in Syria and the White Helmet's role in that project. Do you have an estimate for when your second part will be released? I would very much like to use it for more evidence of the White Helmets being a force for regime change in the conflict.

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Remember William Tenn (Paul Klass)? The Liberation of Earth? This, then, is the story of Syria's liberation. Suck air and grab clusters. We have had water and weeds . . . Height-ho . . .

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