Nazi Israel is a vicious, illegal state that must be destroyed.

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Israel is not a "state." I feel like Cassandra saying this over and over again, but Britain and the US deliberately planted the Zionists on land in the center of the Middle East stolen from the Palestinians as essentially a US Imperial military base, which it has armed, given nuclear weapons and millions and then billions of dollars and weapons to over all these years, making huge profits. Israel is an investment and base of power and the Israeli's have become increasingly inflated, sick, paranoid and vicious proxies, but the genocide and ethnic cleansing is powered by the US. Now the US/GB(BP)/Nato multinational military/banking/oil conglomerates want Iran's vast oil fields, just as we now own Iraq's and Ukraine's oil fields and keep trying for Venezuela's.

That whole destructive system needs to be derailed and the worldwide awakening we are witnessing, actions like the ICC and ICJ and amazing courage of the Yemenis and the courage, strength and endurance for their homeland by the Palestinians in the face of unspeakable suffering, and the growing solidarity movements for the Gazans/Palestinians and all Life on Earth, and other unforeseeables, have a chance to do just that!

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Aug 4Edited

Basically with the fall of the Ottoman empire and a colonial mindset rampant when it came to Arabs the Zionists got the land of Palestine. There were areas within Palestine that were highly developed, railways, trade etc. Before WWII many Jews migrated to Palestine and their perspective on their Arab neighbors was highly prejudicial. Of course after the UN divvied up the land between the Jews and the Palestinians all hell broke loose, and they gave Israel the best of it which made it even worse. The Nakba was the first genocidal attempt Israel engaged in, and killed some 70 or 80 thousand and sent hundreds of thousands elsewhere then robbed all of what they were forced to leave behind. It went on like that so that now, Palestinians are easy targets in their outdoor concentration camp and those in the West Bank whose land through decades has been stolen and it's people abused which has been carried out by Israel, and they continue to even allow settlers to kill these people often with impunity. They destroy their property and run them off their own land, since they want Palestinians, and always have, gone. Stop putting the main onus for this genocide, and all that Israel inflicted on the Palestinians on everyone except Israel. Of course the US and other's have used and empowered Israel to service their own needs, but Israel is to be held mainly accountable for implementing a genocide based on her own prejudicial hate. True the US and others who have a vested interest in Israel should bring this to an end, and I hold them accountable for that, but the one implementing this genocide and will continue to do so is Israel with little outcry from it's own people. Lets not forget about AIPAC that pays those we elect into office to service the needs of Israel like the Adelson's.

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I've never left the barbaric Israelis off the hook. But they could not possibly have implemented this genocide nor all the many rounds of ethnic cleansing and settler expansions since 1948 without U.S. weapons, tanks, hellfire missiles, 500 and 2000 lb bombs with white phosphorous and other chemicals that shred and burn children and all they touch, almost all made in USA. Every attempt to stop the genocide in the U.N., ICC, ICJ was blocked by the USA, who also pulled the greatest source of humanitarian aid from UNRWA. The U.S. could not be more cruel or heavily invested. Why leave anyone off the hook? Until we connect all the imperialistic dots this horror will not end, but will expand.

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Aug 4Edited

From the beginning they have a prejudicial perspective of Palestinians which now allows them to implement a genocide. In 1948 you have the Nakba which reflects the hate for these people which was rather common among Europeans and Americans who saw Arabs as an inferior lot. Also, remember that former presidents like Eisenhower, Reagan, Papa Bush weren't cow-towing to Israel like our presidents now. You also have the lobby, AIPAC, and Biden alone has gotten millions from them which they use to manipulate American political figures to do their biding. Read Mearshimer's book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, and see how wealthy American Jews can buy our candidate's agenda when it comes to Israel. Miriam Adelson wants to buy Trump's support for annexing the West Bank. Yes we have a vested interest in Israel in terms of where it's located, but don't totally hold the US and other countries responsible for the many atrocities Israel has implemented toward the Palestinians since she deserves in that regard most of the credit.

Also Israel's sense of impunity often discussed is a root cause of its behavior toward the Palestinian people. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/8/5/israel-impunity-comes-home-to-roost

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The dark roots of AIPAC, ‘America’s Pro-Israel Lobby’

The group was formed to spin positive PR after Israeli atrocities.


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Watch Farha, a film on the Nakba made in 2021 which allows you to see what motivated much of their behavior toward the Palestinians and reflects today.

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Liana, I could not agree with you more. All you say is true and powerfully stated. In spite of all that truth, one cannot deny that by all formal definitions, Israel is a state. A bogus, contrived, and cynically created one, most certainly, but still a state.

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All the above comments are smart, accurate and wise. We should, however, know that money in our political elections is the basic problem. Our Congress is bought, mainly by AIPAC who has a person assigned for each Congress senator and representative who calls when a bill or proposal arises that might affect Isreal or it's interests. The AIPAC assigned person will ask, "You do know how to vote on this bill, don't you"? If the Sen or Rep votes otherwise, s/he will not be reelected. The ads against that sen/rep will never mention Israel, but will tear the candidate to shreds on other matters. Notice how many ovations were given the Butcher Netanyahu when he spoke to our Congress. If public money ONLY were allowed and all candidates were treated equally, AIPAC and all the other rich lobbyists would have no way of owning our Congress. The single brave person there, Rashida Tliab, held up a sign outing Netanyahu for the scum he is. Yes, I know 100 were absent in protest, but how much more affective would it have been to show up with signs themselves. I call them cowards.

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That is the appropriate term, all right, Rob.

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Israel is not a state; it illegally occupies Palestine. The ICJ has ruled it must leave and pay reparations. And UN members must comply, one would assume down to each of their citizens.

" It is for all States, while respecting the Charter of the United Nations and international law, to ensure that any impediment resulting from the illegal

presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the exercise of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end"


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It is a state, organized as one, admitted to the UN as one. It is also a state that illegally and brutally occupies a conquered territory not its own. And it must be destroyed.

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Aug 5Edited

Thanks for the broader context but it was Palestinians who occupied the land and had the legal right of self-determination. No need to destroy what never legally was. As the ICJ says, Israel must go. And pay. And member states must comply. I'm intrigued by Kristen Zornada's distinction between UN member obligation to comply compared to UNSC power to enforce, starts about 11.00 here, https://www.youtube.com/live/hnV8W0VLIbA?feature=shared

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There is every need to destroy the invader, the de facto occupier, the illegal state in situ.

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Yes, thank you Paul. I know of course that that is the formal technical "legally" contrived definition. I just felt the reality needed to be stated as well in this increasingly doublespeak world. So many words have become meaningless. Sometimes it is very hard to treat as true what is not in actuality on the ground true, especially when so much death and destruction ensues.

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And I know, by the quality of your argument, that you knew. You are marvelously articulate and informed.

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Unfortunately..I NEVER thought I would agree...BUT I do.

Zionists are a plague on this planet.

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Israel wants the Palestinian land - all of the West Bank at least. However, everyone should keep pressuring Biden and Harris to stop the military aid. We must stay active and not paralyzed by hopelessness.

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Then do NOT vote for Democrats.

IT is you the people in the USA who are so stupid. YOU vote with the Democrats despite what Biden et al are doing. Have you no moral compass?

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Right. And if Kamala Harris is president, we can say goodbye to the First Amendment. No more freedom of speech. It 's already in place. No more being able to hear truthful news from Aaron. Our accounts will be frozen if we support alternative news reporters. Jenny, it's all going to end in nuclear war destroying all. I dislike Trump and won't vote for him or Biden, but he, having been censored, says it and CBDCs won't happen if he's president. I say vote gor RFK, Jr. to end wars and shut down our threatening bases and keepfree speech. He's smart enough to learn about how terrible Israel is. Aaron, as always, brings clear accurate news.

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Dear Rob. WHY would anybody vote for RFK?

He is a Zionist.

Why don't you know this?

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Jenny, Of course I know he was raised just as I was...to support Israel. Now I don't. He's different from Biden and Trump in that he says he will talk to the Palestinians and hear them, neither of the other two will do that. As I said he's intelligent (they're not) and can learn (they can't) The other differences are vast. How would you like the US bases all over the world shut down? How would you like those military coming home to have jobs rebuilding our failing infrastructure? How would you like to end forever wars? How would you like the corporations' influence taken down. Here's something legacy media is not telling you. Bobby's poll numbers are topping Trump's. You won't hear that on MSM. In fact, they're so afraid of him, they are telling lie after lie about him. He and Steve Donziger are the world's two foremost environmental lawyers. I strongly suggest you find the talk when RFK, Jr interviews Steve. Why would anyone with a lick of sense vote for Trump or Harris, a narcissist and a sociopath? RFK, Jr. is something they could never be: honest and truthful. The law about to be thoroughly installed here is wide ranging censorship, already in place in the EU and Canada. RFK, Jr. thinks freedom of speech is essential to our freedoms. So do I.

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Jenny, To quote Bobby:

"I will listen to both sides of any issue. I am willing to change my mind if I'm wrong on the facts."

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How does anyone who is running for office of president, not already know the facts? It's not like they aren't in a book in a library near him.

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It's simply unjustified faith that RFK Jr. will 'end wars' and that he'd somehow change positions on Israel because he can learn. If you've listened to hims speak about Israel, and his UNCONDITIONAL support for it, and his degrading remarks about Palestinians (i.e. "they're the most pampered people on Earth"); and then, his doubling down on these positions, shouting over those who try to point out the fallacies, then you'd realize full well that he just ISN'T INTERESTED in learning anything about it that would challenge his beliefs. One can only conclude that either he is seriously damaged intellectually OR that he is already bought.

I can assure you that the very many people who've been paying attention to this horrific, genocidal ethnic cleansing, are simply NOT going to let him get anywhere near the White House. It would be far better, IMO, to support someone who better matches our values and positions on ALL the important issues. We have to start building a valid 3rd Party movement somewhere. The Progressives who've abandoned the Dems because of their war-making and corporatism will likely be supporting Stein. I doubt many at all will vote for RFK Jr. given his staunch support of the Israeli Zionists.

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Maybe you're right. BUT on all the other issues, he's way ahead of evil Biden and Trump. Listen to all the things he's planned for the people of this country. No more coups in other countries. No more trying to steal all the resources on earth because the US is "exceptional." There's a long list of excellent goals that Biden and Trump, psychopaths both, will never do. Of course, I would prefer Jill Stein but she doesn't stand a chance, though I've written her in twice. RFK, Jr. Has a huge following and has surged in the polls; people aren't allowed to hear this in MSM. Kennedy has been a great lawyer for the environment, has taken on huge corporations and won. That's to say he can talk in intelligent full sentences and will be a diplomat in the world, not a thief. Of course, the CIA will be gunning for him.


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Jill Stein is very interesting on all these topics.

I would never vote for RFK Jr.

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Yes, I agree, on many if not most issues, RFK Jr. seems significantly better than Biden/Harris and Trump; especially if one could rely that his word is trustworthy.

(As an aside, I once respected him a good deal, because of his work with RiverKeepers . Though I later disagreed with him on his claims that mercury in vaccinations was causing autism (largely because the hypothesis just wasn't very well supported and because fetuses and babies were likely getting far more Hg from their mothers (via food and other environmental sources than they'd get from the Hg in vaccines), that didn't itself didn't outweigh the regard I held him in for his environmental work. )

Admittedly, the odds of enough people voting for the world they want (instead of the one they fear) are extremely low, and given the active suppression (legal challenges) the D's have mounted to keep the Greens off the ballot, I don't expect her to win the Presidency. However, the same goes with respect to RFK Jr. I don't think he has a snowball's chance either, and the polls are pretty much suggestive of the same - however much I agree that polls are very transitory and worth only so much.

In any case, I've learned over the decades to vote my conscience - which only allows me to vote for those who share my values and vision; and I won't put others down for voting however they see fit. The electoral system itself has for so long been so corrupted as to make it effectively mostly performance theater (with the 2 sides of a duopoly keeping it that way); and I don't expect good things to result. Indeed, regardless of who occupies the White House next, the only real avenue to change the course of the Titanic we're on is to stop just assenting to these lesser-of-evil choices and organize resistance to the system itself on a grassroots level and massive scale. That won't be easy either- the power and momentum being what they are.

As a once community organizer and org. builder, I know better than most the multitude of barriers to this work. Yet it's my conclusion that it is the only way, absent a global calamity-induced chaos, that systemic change will be made. And if it's via the latter path- say, the neocons get their global Armageddon, then the changes made may not be the ones good people might envision. That's true, too, if climate destabilization is completed to the point of chaos; for that state removes all predictability about outcomes.

At any rate, I hope that humans wise up fast enough to try to make the needed changes willfully rather than putting all hope in an electoral system that literally can not bring them about, or, on the other hand, trusting that out of chaos will come, anytime soon, some recognizable humane civilization within a sustainable global ecosystem.

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Aside from the below answer, aren't Trump and Biden/Harris staunch Israel supporters?

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You and I are in agreement. How much main stream to you believe? I dismiss 99% of it and get real reporters elsewhere. I do know a couple things of which you're not aware. RFK,Jr. is polling high and does stand a chance of winning if enough people realize that, and on all counts he's superior to the offerings of the duopoly who are war makers. Have you seen his speeches at his rally events? He will not give Israel more weapons as Trump and Biden/Harris will. [Jill Stein hasn't a chance, god knows why, she's wonderfully intelligent and will call out a genocide. ]

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Do you think Trump will stop arms? As if.

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DID I mention Trump?

You in your stupidity forget there are other people on the ticket NOT owned by AIPAC.

Jill Stein for one.

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Absolutely, Dr. Jill Stein for president. Join me. Just imagine how much better we would all feel if after the election we saw that she got 40,000,000 votes. Would we then begin to really recognize our true strength that has been kept hidden from us by non-coverage by the MSM?

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No Jenny I’m not “ stupid” I’m realistic that third party candidates will never win elections. There needs to be a dramatic shift in 🇺🇸politics. I don’t think they are there, yet.

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Always people come up with this TRUMP option..........what is wrong with you?

Vote 3rd party or don't vote.

IN my view this election may not happen and IF it does each part of the Duopoly will fight the results.

Meanwhile in Venezuela the US insists this was a rigged election although something like 10 countries were watching.

NECESSARY now is..........other countries to oversee the US elections.

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And Biden is totally owned by AIPAC, it IS SO VERY RACIST….@Kamala Harris will be no better. Trump would likely be worse, I am the Old Jewish woman in my 80’already over Harris because I have no hope that should will break from @AIPAC money.

I am in my 80’s , My 100% Jewish family were never Zionist…that continues…Israel is a a right left issue,we lean left.

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Happily I am outside this country where all the fat people live..........shopping is the major pastime. WHY?

ALL of you who still vote for Democratic/Republican scum need to have a war!

You have NEVER tasted war in your own country but you have CONSTANTLY meddled in other countries in the name of DEMONRACY which you think you have.

Where is this going to end?

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Jenny I know many Americans, now and always who are not thrilled by American actions at home and abroad. Of course now they attempt to pull you from one side or the other, democrat, republican, and all in the hopes you'll avoid developing an objective perspective. The media now helps them out a great deal. I think the younger generation with their knowledge and access to the computer are less vulnerable to their propaganda and have and will continue to develop a more holistic perspective of world events.

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I hope so.

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Jenny, I was replying to you above, not Robin.

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Thanks so much for this Aaron.

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There are more and more testimonies about torture and murder of detained young Palestinian males in military camps — an ongoing horror on large scale.

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In Israel, the military policy, yes policy! is that IDF soldiers are permitted to rape. In Hamas, the policy is NOT to rape and all those lies about Isareli women getting raped by Hamas has been proven to be pure hasbara. But, just like the Russiagate hoax, it still gets repeated as fact.

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I think you mean Palestinian detainees although you did not say this.

I have seen dogs brought in to prisoners who are tied to the floor.....YOU aint seen nothing yet.

When this is all over you will sit there Americans (with your fat bottoms and bellies) and wonder what happened.

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Of course - survivors when / if released are completely broken invalids, e.g., a weightlifter from Betlehem unrecognizable:


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“Biden realized that Netanyahu was lying to him about the hostages,” a senior US official told Haaretz. “He's not saying it publicly yet, but in the meeting between them, he specifically told him, 'Stop bullshitting me.'”

Sure. As if. As if a senior official is going to mouth anything but propaganda. After so very many months of this, with no letup and no signs of interest in peace and justice in Palestine, I suspect that any 'merkan who actually gives a shit will have already recognized every utterance out of Washington as bullshit.

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Oh! I forgot to mention the USA the primary support of Israel with weapons, "diplomacy" lying and American's tax dollars.

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Truth, along with the UK… for proof check out who takes money from #AIPAC, the pro Zionist political funder… here is the answer, every singe Democrat with the exception of a few from Michigan and Wisconsin….. Biden took the largest donation in history, doubt that Harris will be any different. Just waiting to see who her voters pick is….

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The Israelis have convinced themselves the only way to treat their neighbors is with violence or the threat of violence. It’s a classic case of projecting our own fears and shortcomings on others. This has worked for them for decades so it’s not surprising they have no motivation to change course. Neither Biden or Trump will cut off war supplies or force them to allow aid to the Palestinians. I know money talks and a lot has been poured into US Congressional and Presidential pockets but at some point, Israel is going to fall just like Ukraine is in the process of doing. Instead of building a nation in the Middle East, Israel has built a fort that is certainly not respected and at some point, will not be feared either.

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Biden is an empty, brainless, puppet. Blinken and Sullivan represent the donor/oligarchs in protecting the interests of the empire. The actions of the Israelis, as crazy as they seem, are driven by an empire that regards any resistance as existential. Empires regularly engage in mass murder. The US Empire has murdered millions in the ruthless maintenance of its hegemonic power. Israel is just following orders.

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Israel disgusts me. I have nothing but contempt for NetYahoo and Smotrick and the rest of the extremist zionists. From being victims of the nazis to victimizing the Palestinians and their

Middle East allies. Mirror images of the nazis. I hope they can be beaten figuratively and actually before they can do all the damage they plan.. Makes my skin crawl. Thank you Aaron, for keeping the issue alive even though it must be distinctly unpleasant.

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America never intended to have a Palestinian state , I was born in Jerusalem Palestine , I was never permitted to have Palestine as a country on my passport or driver lenience and I served in Vietnam 1966 and they would not put Palestine as my country of birth to enlist 1965 .. so the USA never ever wanted a country called Palestine they tried to put Israel as my place of birth and I told them that is a fraud and punishable for lying on federal ID

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Although Gaza is the most urgent issue, there is ample increasing level of settler violence and land confiscation. Here’s a group we can support that is working in the West Bank to support the Palestinians there.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


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Again, thank you!

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In the long run, Israel is its own worst enemy. I don't expect their so-called democracy to last much longer.

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Aug 5Edited

Bipartisan US support is the sine-qua-non enabler for Israel's brutality. The purpose of the assassinations is to destabilize. To suck the US into a larger war.

Everyone in Washington gets it, but they must think that with enough gaslighting, they'll escape blame. This is no longer true. They'll get their war too, by the looks of it. Biden-Harris approach of doing the typical Democrat empty gestures ensures it, so Netanyahu gets to retry as many times as it takes.

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Your post and the comments are basically correct. It's all been said and said. Biden et al are all talk, no action, or the wrong action. I think a major war is about to occur. Central Israel will finally be devastated. Is that what it will take to initiate serious negotiations?

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Absolutely psychotic!

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