WTF is the FBI, a branch of American law enforcement (please don’t mind the irony in that description) doing enforcing requests from foreign actors?

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Remember, these are the guys that harassed and possibly were in on the assassinations of MLK and Malcolm X. They're the Gestapo. The FBI is the USA's secret police.

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Censorious corporate authoritarians to the left of me, American Taliban to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

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The sheer magnitude of Western governments' efforts to suppress every important debate over the last few years (i.e., foreign policy, war, public health policy, pharmaceutics, etc.) and to silence journalists covering those issues is beyond disturbing. Have you (or GZ) contacted an attorney about this? I think, beyond just reporting on this stuff, taking legal action to defend your First Amendment rights, especially as a journalist, is really important for creating a safer environment for future generations of reporters in the U.S.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Twitter's then chief of "Safety" (Orwellian) Yoel Roth's reply that "he would be open to suspending authentic accounts if it could be proven that they have a hidden tie to a foreign government" is rich coming a guy ready to do the bidding of a foreign government, a secret police agency no less.

My recommendation to the Ukrainian government -- maybe you shouldn't fight proxy wars if you can't take the heat.

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What would an article be without the omnipresent Elvis Chan? Seriously, this was a chilling read, noting that the agents wanted not only for the journalists to be banned but to also to obtain their "phone number, date of birth, and email address disclosed to both the FBI and SBU."

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What is the plural form of "Gestapo"?

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United States Intelligence Community

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Thank you, once again.

Plus --- truly OUTSTANDING and courageous -- US War party will go berserk !!!

90M++ views in less than 24 hours. Tucker on Twitter – Ep. 1 – June 6, 2023


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Let’s get this admin out at the next opportunity please. None of this nonsense would be going on if we hadn’t elected a demented tw@t

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Being on the list is a badge of honor! Nice to know your work is appreciated.

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I wonder whether Aleksandr Kobzanets family background is Ukrainian (presumably his posting to Kiev wasn’t entirely random, although from his name it’s possible his background is Russian). If so it seems to me a conflict of interest to have an FBI agent with presumptive loyalty to a foreign government working against freedom of expression in the United States.

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This is important. and should be important to all Americans.

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All of the Talking Heads will be replaced within 18 months; by doing this MSM will eliminate the ability to go back in time and show how they reported the “news” years ago (containing hypocrisy).The replacements will continue with corporate guidance/governance as the majority of the nation will be fooled... again. You haven’t seen any difference from CNN have you?

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Great article, Aaron!

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Great and important reporting as always. This kind of thing will always be a problem so long as the government has the power to tax, regulate and/or dismember private companies. Strip them of that power and everyone can safely tell them to fuck right off.

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But more about TikTok please 🤦‍♂️!

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The MyROTvorets list, mentioned in your story, is to me, a flat out death list; they post captions like "liquidated" when a person on the list is assassinated.

By not taking action to oppose and end the assassination list of journalists, artists and commentators who have been outspoken in opposing extension of the proxy war and opposing lies told by the US and Zelenskyy to promote more arming of Ukrainians being marched to their deaths by psychopath leaders, the Ukrainian and American regimes are supporting this media death list and attempting to intimidate dissent -- squashing dissent amd threatening journalists with death is not a democratic value. Biden, the CIA amd Zelenskyy therefore support MyROTvorets' terroristic implied threats of death to journalists.

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