There is so much public historical information spelling out almost exactly what happened. It would be nice for more people to read it. Why is peace or at least diplomacy not even on the table? It's totally insane and shows that our leaders are either willfully ignorant or batshit crazy, and I'm afraid it's a lot of both.

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Massive amounts of Ukrainians getting killed and encouraged to leave the country is a feature, not a bug in this conflict. Zelensky is already setting up deals with oligarchs like BlackRock's Larry Fink to "rebuild". If the empire gets its way, the looting and pillaging of the Ukraine and then Russia will be on par or greater than what they did to Russia in the 90s.

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This is the kind of thing I would like to show my friends who don't know how to get better information than they have immersed themselves in and have blind faith in the warmongers still. But it's subscriber only. I hope there will be some version whether on YouTube or what have you that I can point them to.

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Thanks Mary. I did do a video segment on this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKotuZ-OvcI

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I love Jimmy Dore, but your article illustrates the very reason I wouldn't support a Dore presidential run. He might have all the right ideas and intentions, but if elected, he won't be in charge and will be subjected to the same pressures as Zelensky. Dore is far more powerful where he is right now than he ever would be in political office.

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We live in a world where you can get more truth in a 15 minute Jimmy Dore segment than in hours of corporate media pretending to be serious.

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Thank Heaven for Jimmy Dore screw MSM faithful who see it as a strike... you can also find Aaron & more truth at Grayzone.. if folks won't trust that they're hopeless Wikipedia followers and pray for them be glad breathing is reflexive!


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“Sad truth” according to???? you? Please provide the evidence.

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Provide the evidence of what? Anybody that's getting all their Russia-Ukraine news from corporate/mainstream media is doing so because they trust those people, and those people have also denounced Jimmy Dore several times as someone who spreads conspiracy theories and misinformation. (Just as Mary M said, I don't agree that's justified, either.)

I will say, though, that most of the MSM audience will reject anything that paints a more accurate picture of the conflict as Russian propaganda anyways.

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Consumers of corporate media would have a more accurate understanding of who is fighting whom if it used the term "ethnic-Russian," not "pro-Russian," to describe Donbas Ukrainians, who have been under attack since 2014 for the unforgivable crime of being ethnic-Russian Ukrainians.

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Aaron, I have to give you mad props. You most certainly always do, not only YOUR homework, but the extra credit assignments , and the homework of what 99% of everybody else in this fucked up media landscape should be doing . Thank you . This was most informative.

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The Ukrainians are pawns. Ukraine is being used to goad Russia into an expensive, drawn-out, and bloody quagmire. The objective is to use this war to weaken Russia's economic and military prowess. This isn't about promoting democracy or human rights in Ukraine, it's about weakening Russia.

People in our government blame Vladimir Putin for the disruption of their efforts to effect regime change in Syria and Venezuela, and for Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. They don't care about Ukraine, they just want revenge on Russia and they don't care how many Ukrainians get killed in the process.

It's infuriating to witness people who actively incited the war, pretending to be concerned about the plight of the Ukrainian people. The longer the war lasts, the more people will die, suffer permanent disabilities, and experience the destruction of both their property and their livelihoods. If we truly cared for the people of Ukraine, we would have taken every possible measure to prevent the war and find a negotiated solution.

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Americas job program

There is a certain disgusting logic to thinking about the military industrial complex as an ever-expanding jobs program. The more weapons we manufacture the more dangerous the world becomes. The more dangerous the world becomes the more weapons we need to manufacture. Yesterday's allies are tomorrows enemies. The more weapons we distribute to our allies the more well armed our future enemies will be. This will necessitate more research, to develop better weapons, fight our former allies and arm our current allies (who are of course our future enemies). In a few more generations most Americans will be employed either building weapons, fighting enemies, or tending to the traumatized and mutilated survivors. A select few will be media types, lobbyists, and politicians creating stories to keep the machine running and growing ad infinitum.

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Well said

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I wonder what changed in early 2021 that led Zelensky to conclude that diplomacy wouldn't work. Was it one specific thing? Or just frustration at the failures of diplomacy coupled with pressure from the Ukrainian far-Right and the US? Or...who knows?

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Sorry, you are grassy knolling the truth (blood thicker than water?), it's basically khazar fake jews (nudelman&co) using BOTH Ukraine and US to revenge a KievenRuss state that destroyed their khazar kingdom in the 11th century. Its a blood feud, if the Russian Orthodox Church had not been spiritually alert to the machinations of the synagogue of satan, by now Russians would also have been under a same "hypnosis" existing in the US that Ilhan Omar has mentioned. They were temporarily taken over by this satanic hypnosis during Yeltsin era and lost trillions of USSR assets to the browders, Putin is now making sure even the USSR assets in Ukraine are recovered, if you yids must know. Watch the browders' protestations and you will understand.

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