Thank you Aaron. Your work will be a source of documentation and source material for generations to come.

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I admire your courage to tell the truth in spite of (what would have to be) tremendous pressure to either remain silent or support Israel in solidarity.

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You are so right, Aaron and Max are documenting factual history when few others are.

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I'd bet a lot that the Nazis told the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto that they would kill every last one of them until those Jews showing armed resistance laid down their arms and surrendered. What a horrific irony.

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But not to worry: yet another anonymous “knowledgeable source” emerged to inform Reuters that the intelligence “is definitive.”

Maybe the source would be named if the track record didn't include claims that Hunter's laptop story was a Russian misinformation operation or Nord Stream was 5D psyop by Russia or many of the endless lies we know with the liars that peddle them. What we are left with is facade sustained with a spectacular commitment to lying to the public & with the help of you and other truth tellers is crumbling before our eyes. If Bobby would lay off the AIPAC spin & honor his roots as a human rights defender we might get somewhere.

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I bet a friend the day the first hospital was bombed that in less than two weeks, more would be and the Israelis wouldn’t even bother to pretend it was an errant Hamas rocket. I’m 5$ richer.

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In this age where we can keep track of everything--including words and camera footage and the voices of thousands of Jews SCREAMING for an end to this human decimation--it appears as though elected officials are too worried about their re-election coffers to represent their constituents. And, it would also seem as though the President has another agenda. Will they have the balls to pretend that they wanted things to be any different once this is over, and Israel has taken the last square mile of Palestine? The rest of the world already hates the US's imperialistic, "we are kings of the world" attitude as it stages coups around the world because WAR is the only way for it to continue to make the rich richer. This is the biggest BFD I have ever seen in my 68 years. And it makes me (again), embarrassed to be an American.

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Great journalism as usual, Aaron. Thank you.

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It is truly stupefying to listen to the lies that come out of the mouths of these people who stand as representing our country. If democracy ever had any merit, it is not evident at the moment, of perhaps we have only the simulacrum thereof?

There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Other petitions, including



Ceasefire Now:


Signing petitions is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Blinken is the fool's fool trying to defend the crimes of the empire. The fact of the matter is that the EMPIRE has completely expropriated the REPUBLIC for its criminal global welfare. You can't run a whore house and a convent under the same dome as these DC pimps are trying to do. They can't bury the dirty laundry fast enough. It just pours out every window and door.

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Unlike the premature babies in Al-Shifa hospital, the existences of Hamas must be kept alive in order to prolong the genocide.

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The most flagrant distortion of the truth ever constructed.

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Well, at least a tie. There have been so many others, for so long, and ranking them would produce so much horror amongst the examiners that it is truly not worth the effort.

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IT is worth the effort!

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Jenny, I obviously disagree, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping that you are correct and I am not.

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Shared Everywhere with this comment: It is now clear that Israel is inexcusably outside the bounds of civilized society...EVIL. Their bombing caused me to read more of the history. Israel was a land grab from the beginning, a theft of land where Europe unloaded the holocaust, and the wrongs and evils of European history onto the backs of the Palestinians, a people that had nothing to do with pograms or the history of usury or the holocaust. If you build a nation on Ethnic Cleansing this is what you get. 1947-48 It was almost immediate that European survivors of the holocaust began to use Ethnic Cleansing to achieve their goals, and the nations of the world gave them a pass because of the guilt they all felt because of the holocaust and their own antisemitism guilt. (think England, France, the United States... etc.) Read The Ethnic Cleansing of Palastine. by Ilan Pappe' https://open.substack.com/.../israel-a-book-the-ethnic...

"In a news conference this week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken lashed out at global criticism of US support for Israel’s mass murder campaign in Gaza."

“I hear virtually no one saying, demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This is over tomorrow if Hamas does that,” Blinken complained. “How can it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor, and only demands made of the victim?”

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One outcome of Biden's enabling Israeli's extermination of Gaza is Biden's loss of the presidential election next year. There is just no way he can win a close contest against Trump. Trump will be no better on issues regarding Palestine -- could very well be even worse -- but if you are an Accelerationist (whether it is a rancid philosophy, Ukraine and Gaza beg the question of Accelerationism), this is the preferred outcome.

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Despair is the only feeling that takes hold of me as I read through the article. We're told that we've progressed as a species and that barbarism is a thing from ancient times, truly I find little to endorse that belief when I see what humanity is capable of.

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Genocide Joe and the Incompetents - the band that knows only one song and despite having the most expensive instruments, never play it right or even in tune. The lead singer falls off the stage while declaring war on the Beatles. The rest of the band snipes at the audience and robs the bar. How they keep getting gigs is mysterious but probably involves payoffs and grift and murder.

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This is actually quite simple. Hamas surrenders 100%....war over!

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Then what Eisenstein?

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Much more simple than the theory of relativity. Maybe crayons should be in order for you. Israel will actually rebuild the dump heap that hamas has created. But in reality, you and much of the worlds Anti-Semitic racists, would much more love to see finished what hitler started

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From where some of us sit, Bibi is continuing Hitler’s work. And in order to surrender, there would need to be a ceasefire. How many dead infants will satisfy you? Israeli leadership is calling for a 100% death rate. A “final solution,” if you will. After which, our weapons are to be turned on Jordan, Syria and Iran - which Zionists claim was ALSO promised to them.

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Not hard to understand. The innocent deaths lies squarely on the shoulders of the terrorist organization, hamas. These war criminals care nothing for and/or hide behind and use innocent men, women and children as human shields. Again, if hamas surrenders 100%, the war will end….and human fodder hamas uses will be over with.

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If Human Rights Watch reports that Israel is systematically targeting hospitals without military justification, that’s because Israel is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” (Memo to Mr. Harris: a detailed investigation by the Washington Post has debunked the agitprop that Hamas “put its headquarters” under al-Shifa hospital.) If the U.N. reports that the number of its staff killed by Israel in Gaza is unprecedented in the organization’s history, that’s because Israel is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If the Committee to Protect Journalists reports that Israel not only killed more journalists in Gaza during the first 10 weeks than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year, but that it has also targeted the families of journalists, that’s because Israel is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If Israel has killed more healthcare workers in Gaza than the total number killed across all conflict zones every year in recent memory, that’s because it is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If Israel murders in broad daylight bare-chested civilians hoisting a white flag, that’s because it is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If Israeli snipers assassinate Christian women seeking refuge in a church, that’s because Israel is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If CNN reports that “Israeli soldiers raiding a hospital ... desecrated the bodies of dead patients with bulldozers, let a military dog maul a man in a wheelchair, and shot multiple doctors even after vetting them for terror links,” that’s because Israel is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If Human Rights Watch reports that Israel is “using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare,” that’s because it is fighting “a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.” If the New York Times reports that Israel dropped 2,000-pound bombs on areas that Israel itself designated safe havens, that’s because it is “fighting a terrorist organization ... using its own population as human shields.”

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That logic is pretty manipulative and twisted. I have nothing but love for the Jewish people in my life, but in no way does Benjamin Netanyahu and his followers reflect the values and the humanitarian spirit of all Jews.

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Human shields: their fault.

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