Thank you, Aaron -- truly invaluable !!

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Great conversation!

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What a wealth of information you are Aaron. A great conversation and if seemed that RFK, Jr respected you and looked to you to teach him, like us. Thank you for posting this.

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It’s completely obvious that for the last 20 years the US has been working to undermine the Russian People. Including their desire for democracy and stability. The big picture game is to turn everybody into slaves of the hegemonic US empire. Which has already proven (to its own people and the world) to be incompetent, deeply sociopathic, and cruel. Since, ostensibly, we’re pretending to be a democracy, it’s our responsibility to pull the rug out from under OUR dying empire. ASAP.

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Eisenhower warned us, but our minds are weak. Hence today's insane war against sanity!

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PS: Is there any way to actually prosecute these people for anti-American activities?

Some have testified and lied under oath -- this is a crime.

In China they execute each year few top criminals for corruption -- that reduces corruption. It could be effective in US also if few of criminals would end in jail.

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I am deaf............can we have a transcript please.

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If I were an American, this man seems to be the only sane choice, going forward.

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CIA,,FBI Ukrainian death squad ,check,check,check ,,, another coup to use one of the 3 friends at the top of austerity and pain to the end of Biden’s “ who pipebomed the 2 line and the other one for OIL?! 11 million fiat funny money puppets at the end of the stick we keep following like the Donkeys running the show! I’m voting Cornell West and Jill Stein ,that’s my stance that we’ve become.

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Not to mention Biden sanctioning sending cluster bombs to Ukraine!

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The cluster bombs have a failure rate of about 4.3 to 4.8 percent rate to kill children and women with it ! It’s a f*ck for all with children and women involved to kill people for a retarted narrative and war we stick our M.I.C (2 trillion fiat funny money helicopters,,,,oh wait Empire State of 100 dollar bills to cover our ignorance to destroy the Gaia earth we are destroying! It’s actually 50 percent of for biosphere and the shit that’s half left because we definitely destroyed the other half! Lol

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It’s not surprising that Russia ended up with Putin. The US hegemonic military approach creates dictators and destroys democracies. Foreign peoples have a choice; a puppet dictator (submission) or a native dictator (defensive).

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Haven't heard it yet but i hope the fuck you brought up Palestine... I mean i'm a big supporter of Bobby but there's a big obstacle there for many... not so much me... too many big issues now globally that i can't delete someone if they get one thing wrong.... loving you AAron....

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Remember -- he can’t be a serious candidate in the US without support for Israel. He must project this image.

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Does anyone else see vaccines being thrown under the bus in favor of green energy? RFK Jr, Elon Musk, random "heterodox" thinkers all seem aligned on this. DeSantis vetoed an anti-net-metering bill.

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RemovedJul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023
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O holy shit man... what yo say???

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“lqbal” writes from an insane asylum.

They give him keyboard if he takes his medicine....

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