I’m ashamed of my countrymen as well. Nothing bothers them. Football season and Halloween are priorities. From family to family that I know (and they are “nice” people) - not a thing....
And the appalling thing is the death toll is starting to pick up steam. What are all the citizens in the "democratic" western states going to do as their governments exterminate tens of thousands of innocent civilians? The cognitive dissonance is not something that can be whisked away by a MEET THE PRESS appearance.
Well said, Aaron. My only question is given what I saw of Biden on the plane with Blinken peering out behind him, these actions are in name only - Biden is the puppet that the murderous hawks have under their control. I too am ashamed to be a citizen of the country I live in.
I agree that neocon hawks, like Blinken, are pushing this war and have done so in regard to all our middle eastern wars in the 21st century. However Biden has a long history of supporting wars, and supported every middle eastern war, and used his position as chair of the Senate committee on foreign relations to encourage his fellow democrats to support them as well. .
For the US and world's sake, the US State Department and Biden's war council should consider listening to and learning from alternate, better perspectives like Mate's.
Aaron's latest piece of investigative journalism shows how the Military Industrial Congressional Complex has complete and total control of the Biden regime and its ability to pluck billions from the ether.
Debasing the currency and perpetual war is how all previous empires signed their own death warrants.
The ink used for writing this death certificate is written in the blood of innocent victims in Palestine, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine.
The genocidal ethnic cleansing we are witnessing in Palestine is a clear breach of the much-ignored Geneva Conventions. Let's not forget those hung at Nuremburg were talking about the Third Reich lasting for ever, months before they were strung up!
We are a criminal nation and a rogue nation. America is not so much stupid, as ignorant and proud of it. Far too many Americans settle for the comfortable lie, rather than the hard truth, and the hard truth is that our day is done. We asserted a right to rule the world because there was a vacuum and we were powerful militarily and consumed by self-adulation, creating the bogus idea that somehow the US "won" the Cold War as if we fought the USSR on the field of battle. Our "right" to rule everybody on earth was based on the silly idea that the Americans were the only ones who could do it, and if we didn't do it, somebody EVIL would do it. We were supposedly above the fray, disinterested, honest, decent, law-abiding people and the only ones moral enough to have all that power, which we simply took. We have spent decades, now, bringing war to the world, imposing our puppet governments to rule in our name, building endless and in the crunch indefensible military bases. Europe today is led by spineless people, created from clay to serve the worlds oligarchy. But the US miscalculated woefully in Ukraine, our "bridge too far." Our tactics were heavy-handed and obvious (Nord Stream) and our weaponry was not wondrous or invincible. It was all entirely defeatable by a peer foe. In Ukraine, our dirty hands in everything became highly visible and our loss there (which is coming) has inflicted a terrrible injury to the US image. Now we are flailing and desperate to redeem our lost respect, and so we prove we are not fickle patrons but loyal ones by acting as handmaidens to Israeli ethnic cleansing and murder. Today America is not the land of the free or brave, not a shining city on a hill, but a vast swamp that threatens to engulf the world in war. God seems not to love America after all.
I wonder if God does love. His hope that through the suffering that we have been inflicting on others we may learn... may be? At this time, our “beacon-on-the-hill” fellow countrymen hope that any learning (if it must come) comes after the football season and holidays. But then again, basketball season hits and then baseball and new Netflix shows...
“In another nod to neoconservative dogma, Biden appropriated Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell’s pitch to voters on funding the war in Ukraine. The weapons sent to Ukraine and now Israel, Biden explained, are “made in America” – including, he stressed, the election swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. “You know, just as in World War II, today patriotic American workers are building the arsenal of democracy and serving the cause of freedom.” According to Biden’s budget office, nearly half of his $106 billion request, $50 billion, will be spent on “the American defense industrial base.” ”
Speaking the unspeakable, ... America has made it very clear now it is only going to resolve its international ambitions by force of arms, regardless of consequences. It has always operated from the reality its cities have never been bombed, and having to be rebuilt. It appears very much of the mindset it can do what it wants any where in the world with impunity and its home territory is immune from attack.
The question is: Is it is going to take a direct attack on the US homeland before the lunatics in Washington come to their senses?
I would be very interested in hearing from other readers on this question.
An attack on the US, perhaps retaliatory, that clearly is the work of an adversary (as much as anyone can agree on the facts about anything these days) would not make these lunatics come to their senses. They'd double down I'm sure. This would mean more repression at home and aggression abroad. Just my take.
Public opinion may be shifting. Views that could not be expressed publicly in the past because they attract accusations of anti-semitism can now be seen (rarely) in mainstream sources.
We just lost our provincial representative because she expressed sympathy toward the Palestinians. Her party (NDP) removed her from the party. Stunning to me
The media and politicians never talk about it, but the closest to Armageddon wasn't the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was the Yom Kipper War. Golda Mejer was on the verge of using nukes and Nixon was aware of it, so he mounted a massive resupply of Israel to keep them in the war without the use of nukes (which Israel has never admitted to having.) Had she used them against Egypt and Syria, the USSR would have possibly got more involved than they already were and we would have been in a nuclear holocaust (which would be a real holocaust.) Nixon did NOT send troops to Israel other than USAF personnel to offload and maintain the C-141s and C-5s taking in the ammunition and other supplies.
I am mortally ashamed of my US government.
I refer to our gov. in lower case now, u.s. I couldn't agree more with you.
Double ditto.
I’m ashamed of my countrymen as well. Nothing bothers them. Football season and Halloween are priorities. From family to family that I know (and they are “nice” people) - not a thing....
I am morally ashamed of my US government.
And the appalling thing is the death toll is starting to pick up steam. What are all the citizens in the "democratic" western states going to do as their governments exterminate tens of thousands of innocent civilians? The cognitive dissonance is not something that can be whisked away by a MEET THE PRESS appearance.
Well said, Aaron. My only question is given what I saw of Biden on the plane with Blinken peering out behind him, these actions are in name only - Biden is the puppet that the murderous hawks have under their control. I too am ashamed to be a citizen of the country I live in.
I agree that neocon hawks, like Blinken, are pushing this war and have done so in regard to all our middle eastern wars in the 21st century. However Biden has a long history of supporting wars, and supported every middle eastern war, and used his position as chair of the Senate committee on foreign relations to encourage his fellow democrats to support them as well. .
Yep, Gore was okay, however Biden did support war all during our Middle Eastern massacres. Thanks,
Blinken’s speech at the UN today was sickening. It was also a collection of lies and platitudes
Thank you Aaron, right to the core.
For the US and world's sake, the US State Department and Biden's war council should consider listening to and learning from alternate, better perspectives like Mate's.
Aaron's latest piece of investigative journalism shows how the Military Industrial Congressional Complex has complete and total control of the Biden regime and its ability to pluck billions from the ether.
Debasing the currency and perpetual war is how all previous empires signed their own death warrants.
The ink used for writing this death certificate is written in the blood of innocent victims in Palestine, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine.
The genocidal ethnic cleansing we are witnessing in Palestine is a clear breach of the much-ignored Geneva Conventions. Let's not forget those hung at Nuremburg were talking about the Third Reich lasting for ever, months before they were strung up!
We are a criminal nation and a rogue nation. America is not so much stupid, as ignorant and proud of it. Far too many Americans settle for the comfortable lie, rather than the hard truth, and the hard truth is that our day is done. We asserted a right to rule the world because there was a vacuum and we were powerful militarily and consumed by self-adulation, creating the bogus idea that somehow the US "won" the Cold War as if we fought the USSR on the field of battle. Our "right" to rule everybody on earth was based on the silly idea that the Americans were the only ones who could do it, and if we didn't do it, somebody EVIL would do it. We were supposedly above the fray, disinterested, honest, decent, law-abiding people and the only ones moral enough to have all that power, which we simply took. We have spent decades, now, bringing war to the world, imposing our puppet governments to rule in our name, building endless and in the crunch indefensible military bases. Europe today is led by spineless people, created from clay to serve the worlds oligarchy. But the US miscalculated woefully in Ukraine, our "bridge too far." Our tactics were heavy-handed and obvious (Nord Stream) and our weaponry was not wondrous or invincible. It was all entirely defeatable by a peer foe. In Ukraine, our dirty hands in everything became highly visible and our loss there (which is coming) has inflicted a terrrible injury to the US image. Now we are flailing and desperate to redeem our lost respect, and so we prove we are not fickle patrons but loyal ones by acting as handmaidens to Israeli ethnic cleansing and murder. Today America is not the land of the free or brave, not a shining city on a hill, but a vast swamp that threatens to engulf the world in war. God seems not to love America after all.
I wonder if God does love. His hope that through the suffering that we have been inflicting on others we may learn... may be? At this time, our “beacon-on-the-hill” fellow countrymen hope that any learning (if it must come) comes after the football season and holidays. But then again, basketball season hits and then baseball and new Netflix shows...
Ilan Pappe provides a historical discussion of Gaza that complements Aaron Mate's great commentary.
I watched this one. It was very good.
Why God would hate Joe Biden if He existed:
"16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
Proverbs 6: 16—19
Indeed - to the last Ukrainian and Palestinian……
“In another nod to neoconservative dogma, Biden appropriated Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell’s pitch to voters on funding the war in Ukraine. The weapons sent to Ukraine and now Israel, Biden explained, are “made in America” – including, he stressed, the election swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. “You know, just as in World War II, today patriotic American workers are building the arsenal of democracy and serving the cause of freedom.” According to Biden’s budget office, nearly half of his $106 billion request, $50 billion, will be spent on “the American defense industrial base.” ”
Enslaved 6 million black peoples murdered millions of native Americans just another day at the office for Anglo Saxons
Speaking the unspeakable, ... America has made it very clear now it is only going to resolve its international ambitions by force of arms, regardless of consequences. It has always operated from the reality its cities have never been bombed, and having to be rebuilt. It appears very much of the mindset it can do what it wants any where in the world with impunity and its home territory is immune from attack.
The question is: Is it is going to take a direct attack on the US homeland before the lunatics in Washington come to their senses?
I would be very interested in hearing from other readers on this question.
A very important interview: https://youtu.be/mJJ9zEPSAwo?t=48
I think 9/11 is a good precedent to consider.
Not if you consider it a false flag involving US complicity as many people do.
An attack on the US, perhaps retaliatory, that clearly is the work of an adversary (as much as anyone can agree on the facts about anything these days) would not make these lunatics come to their senses. They'd double down I'm sure. This would mean more repression at home and aggression abroad. Just my take.
Biden: Peace through War
Reagan: Peace through Strength
Orwell: War is Peace
Public opinion may be shifting. Views that could not be expressed publicly in the past because they attract accusations of anti-semitism can now be seen (rarely) in mainstream sources.
We just lost our provincial representative because she expressed sympathy toward the Palestinians. Her party (NDP) removed her from the party. Stunning to me
People are daring to defy corrupt authority despite the risk. It could be contagious.
The media and politicians never talk about it, but the closest to Armageddon wasn't the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was the Yom Kipper War. Golda Mejer was on the verge of using nukes and Nixon was aware of it, so he mounted a massive resupply of Israel to keep them in the war without the use of nukes (which Israel has never admitted to having.) Had she used them against Egypt and Syria, the USSR would have possibly got more involved than they already were and we would have been in a nuclear holocaust (which would be a real holocaust.) Nixon did NOT send troops to Israel other than USAF personnel to offload and maintain the C-141s and C-5s taking in the ammunition and other supplies.
Lies, lies and more lies from the Biden administration.
Does the US ever think to the future?
Again the US fiddles in other country's.