For two people who allegedly came out of the ‘60s ethos of changing the world for the better and doing things right, I don’t think you could find two bigger creeps than Bill and Hillary Clinton (and I voted for him twice). Absolutely disgusting.

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Power corrupts.

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...or the corrupt seeks power. That's more the truth I think.

[RFK isn't corrupt; that's why he will probably be assassinated by the Biden campaign. I hope he takes precautions to avoid the hit list.]

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Add Jeffrey Epstein 2 thieir list - prolly drove 2 the city from Chappaqua & offed him themselves

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Maybe Durham had an overwhelming rush of self preservation instinct?

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Great article. Keep fighting. Best $5/month ever.

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Great report, Aaron. I completely agree with you that the DNC server “hack” was the foundational allegation of the entire Russia-gate saga. This was described by many as an “act or war” and comparable to “Pearl Harbor,” yet the FBI never was provided with this supposed ‘smoking gun.’ Curious that the FBI never subpoenaed this evidence, but simply settled for a redacted report from a company on Clinton’s campaign payroll.

If memory serves me, I don’t recall that the FBI ever got access to Clinton’s personal email server that she used as Secretary of State, even though we now know it contained numerous classified messages. She even got away with destroying deleting thousands of emails--effectively destroying evidence--without any reaction from the FBI. Special considerations for special people. Contrast that with the FBI raiding Mar a Lago

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Aaron, why has former NSA Technical Director and whistleblower Bill Binney’s assessment that there is evidence that the emails were leaked not hacked not gotten more attention???

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Aaron, do you know if Crowdstrike actually sent an image of the servers in question as they promised? And I was happy to see the emphasis on 'image' rather than the physical server itself. Thank you for this reporting.

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Clinton crime syndicate and FBI are partners in this project and others. One man rots in a UK prison with the answers to who leaked and he has all but said who that person was. Initials SR.

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has he implicated the dead man?

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Elvis Chan seems to pop up everywhere.

What is "striking" is that the FBI did not take substantive measures to examine the DNC servers in contrast to their dogged attempts to obtain information when it suits them.

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Even if Russia did hack the servers it can hardly be the reason that Clinton lost the election in 2016. Yet, it not surprising at all that it may very well have been the case that the Russians did not hack these emails. It is S.O.P. for politicians and their allies in the media to make up whatever serves their immediate interest, which h is why I appreciate the work of folks like Mr. Mate in shedding light on the situation.

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I heard they finally found the Russian who hacked it. His name is Sethrenko Richevtsky.

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He unfortunately died in a bizarre gardening accident. The authorities said it was "best left unsolved".

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I really enjoy your content and writing style. It's indictmentish. Every paragraph has a jab, jab and then a big right hand or an uppercut. And you don't seem to tire. Journalism is far from dead, it's just getting going, because people are starting to pay for it. I hope you guys get rich. Not Seth Rich, just money rich.

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I have ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Russians did NOT hack the DNC. Ask Julian Assange who said, (paraphrased somewhat), "How many times do I have to say it? The DNC was not hacked (by the Russians). The information was sent directly to Wikileaks from someone at the DNC." I suspect Seth Rich, though Assange never said that directly. Note that Seth Rich was mugged and murdered in the street. Again, I suspect someone ordered by the Clinton campaign.

Because Julian Assange can prove this, he is slowly being murdered by the US in Belmarsh so that he won't be able to come to the US and be found guilty in a Virginia court, which would call out a cry in the streets over the ending of any truthful journalism. Better to not have to face that blowback; better to have Julian die first. The US is such a rotten country.

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Thank you, once again.

Plus --- truly OUTSTANDING and courageous -- US War party will go berserk !!!

70M++ views in less than 24 hours. Tucker on Twitter – Ep. 1 – June 6, 2023


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