Great article! It’s such a convoluted history, made so by people who have spent years refining their tactics. I wonder if they’ll ever regret that they used their lives up in such ignoble activities? Probably not.

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NATO and the Five Eyes octopus naming you as a chief disinformation agent is something you can wear as a badge of honour.

As FDR once said, “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”

On a different note, I think it always helps to point out that at the source of the Syria chemical weapons fraud is none other than British intelligence… Surprise…

The founder of the White Helmets was James Le Mesurier, who held the title of Order of the British Empire (OBE). Rather than being an exception to the rule, this is the standard. “Sir” Colin Powell was also bestowed with a knighthood and the “Order of the Bath” by Her Majesty for his honourable service with the 2003 Iraq war.

Just as British intelligence was at the heart of fabricating the Iraq WMD narrative then picked up by the American dumb giant and its neo-con beast men, the same goes for Russiagate. Christopher Steele, Sir Richard Dearlove we’re the senior British intel operatives involved in catalyzing the process. This is the MO of these people.

The US often provides the braun, just as the Persian Empire provided the muscle for the Babylonian priesthood, but when it comes to the actual myth-making and narrative creation, it takes a bit more creativity, with British intelligence and its 300+ years of running a global empire proving to be the much more subtle and crafty hand behind a lot of the shadows paraded on the cave walls for the general population.

We can go back to the origins of modern psychology, which formed out of the wartime study of shell shock and wartime trauma by the British Military Tavistock Clinic. Not surprisingly, Tavistock is still up to its old tricks, recently embroiled in scandals over its gender reassignment clinic where young children were being given the “suggestion” that they were in the wrong body, and then rushed into transitioning.

While British intelligence and its psychological warfare nodes have been in the spotlight in recent times, most people still seem to mistake the braun for the brain. The reality of where and what the central nodes for these operations are is much more nuanced and interesting than the typical Pax Americana narrative, in my opinion.

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@ David Gosselin👍

In (and by) deed the modern day despoilers of human IT, and their sycophantic stenographers, continue to display their angered embarrassment when exposed by imaginative journalism; kudos to our host Aaron Mate for being such a journalist amidst this current gaggle of incompetent and compromised purveyors of toxic cowardly nonsense.

In your recent(?), very thoughtfully resourced, prose on your SubStack offering "The Chained Muse", the following quotation seems to offer needed insight and access into the necessary values to all humankind of "...a domain for the creative imagination to flourish."

"Those Modernist poets preferred to busy themselves with finding new innovative ways of expressing their existential despair about modern society and the horrors of the world.

All expressed some sort of despair, anxiety and neurosis about the world, and merely used its tragedies and horrors as mere poetical fodder for their verses. Poetry served more as a dark mirror, rather than a domain for the creative imagination to flourish."💡

As Usual,

Thom☠ (aka EthanAllenspeaks)

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Glad to see you are still at it Aaron 👍☝️🙏

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Top work.

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In other words, the truth or falsity of the allegations does not matter to the Empire and its proxies. Only whether the allegations serve the Empire's purposes at that moment.

This is pretty much what Josef Goebbels said, when he remarked that after the war, nobody will care whether Germany attacked Poland or not, only who won.

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"whether Germany attacked Poland or not" has been a hot topic for nearly 80 years in the useless but entertaining struggle between the American Trotskyist and the 100 or so people who make the DSL run, so there's that.

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On Russell Brand's interview of you, Aaron, I posted that you were the best example of investigative journalism out there. Some others added names that made me realize we don't know the definition of journalism anymore. It's not just someone reporting the news, or aggregating other people's reporting. It's not just what we agree with. And on my Substack comments, I mentioned you as the opposite of naive journalism. Which leads me to Ruben Zemora, who's just been arrested in Guatemala for real journalism. I'm glad you're only subject to the disinfo popo ;-)

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You are an inspiration Aaron. There has never been a NATO war the Guardian has not been a cheerleader for. It has betrayed it's foundation again, and again, and again.

It is sad to see how fierce the fight is, now, for - simple balance. On your side: Truth, and the bravery to speak it, at great personal cost. On theirs: Opacity, Smear, Obfuscation.

This conflict is: sacred cow of the MSM versus the gadfly of truth: Keep stinging. There are many of us on your side, and there are many more who are beginning to turn.

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Keep up speaking truth to the powerful and not letting them get away with their illusions and lies.

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Excellent journalism as always Aaron. You are a cut above the rest.

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Terrific expose’, Aaron. Thanks to writers like you the utter corruption of our western governments and their enablers in the media and other institutions is slowly being exposed. I just hope I live to see the day when those responsible for enabling the war crimes and crimes against humanity are prosecuted and imprisoned.

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Thanks for the investigative journalism. The phone call just cemented your news coverage. Bet Townsend never replies. It’s obvious from his mono answer, he got caught in a net. I think James O’Keefe is correct. Audio and video sometimes nails the coffin shut. Muckraking the truth isn’t easy.

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Thank you, Aaron Mate, for following through on the hideous lie that led to such suffering and death. Everyone in the country needs to know of the Douma deceit. Thank you for your perseverance in tracking the disgrace of these officials and the journalists who supported them. Citizens of conscience are grateful.

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I sent The Guardian a 2-for-1 coupon for "Burnaid" and advised them to apply generously on the affected area.

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Who needs Le Carre’ when the real world gives us prime examples of nefarious government actions and sanctioned killing.

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As a Brit I find it hard to convey my utter disgust at the Guardian over the last few years. It would be interesting to know how many readers have been lost, but no doubt the Guardian's picking up new readers who will not want to believe they are reading a propaganda sheet disguised as a liberal newspaper. I hope Townsend, that guy Aaron made an utter fool of but whose name escapes me, and the rest of them suffer many sleepless nights.

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Great article! Guess, you hit the bullseye!

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