Jake Sullivan had a KEY role in launching Russia-gate hoax.

Same people that launched the Russia-gate hoax are now hollering that Russia invasion of Ukraine is "imminent".

All to "save democracy" there -- in order to distract from the fact that St. Obama organized in 2014 coup against democratically elected Ukraine government.

St. Obama installed Biden and his CIA pals as de facto governors of Ukraine -- immensely enriching US "elite" and posting and removing government members, judges and heads of industry with billions of corrupting cash -- in "fight against corruption".

US key exports today are – coups, wars and all-encompassing corruption

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Turns out Jake Sullivan was 100% right about the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Also, "Russiagate" was never a hoax, and there was no 2014 coup.

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Alarming – Where is courageous journalist Gonzalo Lira ??


The Daily Beast Is Trying To Get Me Killed – March 21, 2022


Is US Security apparatus working, together with Daily Beast, WaPost, NYT, on locating journalist Gonzalo Lira in Kharkov?

Have they contributed to his “disappearance” by Ukrainian Nazi government secret service?

Mr. Lira just published a list of other “disappeared” prominent Ukrainians…

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Gonzalo Lira is not a journalist and was not "disappeared".

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Excellent article. Thank you Aaron. One thing - could all the saber rattling be a distraction from the COVID mess Biden has fomented? Nothing like a war to make people forget how badly they were treated.

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I haven't even finished reading the article, but I've have read a couple of the articles that Mate linked to. From the beginning I always thought this was a charade, a distraction. I also thought that when it all fizzled out, and Americans could take a deep breath, Biden would take the credit for avoiding a war that in the minds of the American people, since it is Russia we're talking about, could have been a total disaster. He's not the failure they proclaimed him to be in getting us out of Afghanistan, etc, but Instead he is someone who avoided war with Russia who has been America's boogeyman for many a decade. I always thought the press loved the whole idea of war, whether it be true or not since it would up their ratings. The only thing that is disturbing is that the neocons switched sides during the Trump years and saddled up to the democrats and Nuland, a necon and married to one, who pushed for the Ukraine coup and helped pick the post-coup leaders s now part of the Biden administration.

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You are right but don't make this partisan. Both Democrats and Republicans are two sides to the same coin. Both of them are corrupt and are beholden to the MIC. Trump or Biden or whomever...it is all a charade that benefits the fascist technocratic oligarchy.

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I was always a registered democrat, no more, now I'm an independent. However there were democrats like Clinton I would never vote for, and I didn't vote in 2016. The last four years made me totally intolerant of the democratic party because I perceived them as liars and authoritarian in their systematic attempt to remove an elected president and sowing a divide in this country which continues to this day. I was just listening to Mate and he referenced Trump as a clown, and although I think very highly of Mate I wish he would not have referenced him that way. From the very beginning that turned me off, since that "clown" didn't continue our middle eastern wars, all based on lies. He didn't kill millions of people, didn't destroy whole countries. I doubt if Mate would have referred to Bush or a Cheney as a clown. Not to mention Obama, even though he gave a free hand to Clinton, Rice and Summer's to destroy Libya, and his underhanded war in Syria goes on. Not to mention he wasn't the liberal he proclaimed to be. I'm sick of these lying democrats who continue to push the idea they are liberal. Tired of those who believe they are so much better then the republicans. This is from an article posted on Information Clearing House by Paul Street which goes on a liberal rant of all are misdeeds, and I agree, but I've heard it before and almost everyone reading it has heard it. He sums it up with "Fascism “can’t happen here.” Is that so? We have learned just how remarkably close the Orange Fascist Insect (the OFI) and his minions came to stealing the 2020 election." This type of rhetoric is a total turnoff. Do you know where that rhetoric gets you? Well, memes circulation on Facebook that reference the millions and millions of people who were Trump supporters as low lives, uneducated, and totally amoral.

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The Democrats shredded every small “d” democratic norm in their campaign to take down Trump — spied on the presidential candidate of the opposing party illegally; went after his personal lawyer, family and businesses (and continue to do so) in a series of Lavrenti Beria-style “find me the man and I will find you the crime” fishing expeditions; pushed the Russian collusion hoax that they themselves ginned up for years while knowing there was no there there;, encouraged government employees to leak confidential information and otherwise “resist” the directives of the lawful government of the country; and on and on.

The hypocrisy of Democrats carrying on about how Trump was this great threat to democracy when they engaged and continue to engage in such behaviors would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. The Democrats are a much greater threat to democracy than Trump ever was, because they have morphed into religious nuts who believe the ends justify the means.

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The ends justify the means, yep, and that's how they behaved with each and every one of their lies. They also came across in a very authoritarian manner, and that truly turned me off, and that continues. It's really difficult for me to understand why Biden was chosen to run for president. My mother had Alzheimers disease and although Biden may not have that, there is something really wrong with his cognitive skills. Not to mention he lies, he steals, and is a total opportunist, and that has been going on throughout his political career.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

Sure, Trump didn't start any wars, but it is well known by now that he is not necessarily 'anti-war' he just wanted a war he could be seen as the winner of. I.E. Venezuela was seriously considered by Trump for an invasion opportunity, he simply wanted some aspect of warring he could do somewhere and have it as a 'win', much like the illegal Invasions of Panama or the Invasion of Grenada under Republican presidencies. Trump did very well in giving himself this sort of strange image of being anti-war.

Trump also greatly increased the likelihood of future Terrorism recruitment, especially with unrestricted aerial support in the ME and continued use of Drones. He also authorized what amounted to stealing another Nation's resources by parking a U.S. base next to one of Syria's oil fields. And then there was the out right, illegal assassination of one of Iran's military leaders that really did almost start a war. That will also have repercussions down the road, a tit-for-tat assassination for example.

Through and through Trump is an Imperialist like every other Political 'leader' in the U.S., he is just more bloviating about it and says the quiet parts out loud. He is seen as a Clown for the things I mentioned, and for plenty of other things, like being prone to misinformation or being an actual misogynist grifter businessman in his years before being a President.

Centrist Democrats and Republicans alike are really aligned in one way, the continuation of American Empire and propping up Late Stage Capitalism. I also firmly believe the Republican party isn't how it used to be, it has become reactionary and stalling progress. In the past it wasn't that way. Both parties in 'general' ARE NOT for Social uplift for a beleaguered civilian populace. There are outliers IN these parties, but they are not a Majority.

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No one said he was perfect, however there were no new wars during his presidency. Yes he imposed sanctions on Venezuela and Iran, and broke the Iran deal, and I don't approve of imposing sanctions on any country which basically affects it's citizenry. Like it did when sanctions were imposed by the Bill Clinton administration on Iraq and 500 thousand children died.  Secretary of state  Albright when asked was it worth it,  said yes. This is the one who was preaching there was a special place in hell for any woman who didn't vote for Hilary, the war monger. The one who pushed for  the war in Libya during the Obama administration and laughed when she learned Gaddafi was sodomized by a sword. As secretary of state under Obama she also supported a military coup in Honduras which impoverished it's people even more, and made the country more violent. Got lots of activists killed too, like Berta Caceres. She handed it over to the elites. Oh God, and Bush/Cheney lying us into the Iraq war and guantanomo, and back sites and torture. Cheney was signed on to the Project for a New American Century with a bunch of other neocons just waiting to take out Iraq. They just had to wait for that New Pearl Harbor, and of course they got that in the 9/11 attack which I've always been suspicious of. Oh, and I don't want to leave out Obama's dirty war in Syria. At this point lets also acknowledge in terms of what's going on in Ukraine now was due to our hitching up with a bunch of neo-nazis to get rid of a pro Russian leader, Yanukovych. Payback now!!!!   Of course all this carnage could not have happened without a complicit war mongering press. So yeah, I'm going to give Trump some credit in that regard!.

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Actually, Biden is polling decently enough on the COVID issue. That’s not my opinion, but just the poll numbers I’ve seen, which are actually better than Trump’s. I don’t think that’s what this is about. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/coronavirus-polls/

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This seems entirely likely — not just Covid, inflation, crime, etc. Biden and BoJo both need a distraction stat.

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Fair assessment, and totally possible. I just don’t think the COVID issue by itself is what Biden needs to distract the public from. Also, the crisis (which I believe is winding down due to some small concessions delivered by the Biden admin.) just seems like it was inevitable given the timeline of post-Cold War events. (That’s not to say it was unavoidable, by any means, but that - considering we stayed on the same wreckless path we started down in the ‘90s - tensions were bound to flare up sooner or later.)

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Good point. The Russians literally won WWII after they pushed back Germany and won that confrontation. History will repeat itself here...I pray Biden does the right thing and backs down. There are certain things that are more important (human lives and environment) than the profitability of Raytheon!

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

Well . . . National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s news conference on “Russia attack possibly imminent” yesterday at the White House says nothing about Russian military exercises scheduled between 2/10 to 2/20 in Belarus and ongoing Russian Federation “at sea” naval exercises in the Black Sea and elsewhere which is common knowledge in Diplomatic and Military circles around the world (Russia likely scheduled these exercises in and around Ukraine to be able to exert and keep the “pressure” on the U.S. to agree to their demands to back off continuing to aggressively and stupidly push NATO east up to their borders).

Sullivan also mentions the evidence free “false flag operation” intel B.S. we saw former CIA State Dept spokesman Ned Price try to unsuccessfully sell to the American public a couple weeks ago charging Russia with planning what nefarious U.S. CIA types have often orchestrated here and around the globe for decades. That a U.S. “false flag” operation is in the works in Ukraine is a distinct possibility, in part because U.S. policy makers – valuing public propaganda over secrecy -- often “project” ideas guiding their own secret operations onto adversaries to “smear” them in advance. Russia has zero interest in invading Kyiv . . . or Ukraine in general, of course, but it will protect the ethnic Russians in the Donbass. BUT, even if the CIA and various “contractors” can get the crazed Ukros to attack the Donbass, Russia can easily use standoff weapons to destroy them without crossing the border.

HOWEVER, this will make no difference to warmonger fools like Menendez pushing “let’s get tough” Legislation that the extraordinarily mindless Congress mostly owned by the Military Industrial Complex will likely pass, foisting sanctions on Russia no matter what they do. The big problem is that these “sanctions” hurt Euro allies (especially Germany via Nordstream 2) way more now than the Russians! In fact, they are aimed at corralling Euro allies as captured markets for U.S. exports of LNG and food, etc. and keeping them away from the developing Russia/China economic partnership wiring up the Eurasian land mass, etc. Will this work? Not for very long, it seems, as the U.S. is disintegrating at home, burdened by extraordinary debt, deluded that it can still “commandeer” the globe and unable to recognize that the world has now passed into the beginnings of a “multi-polar” reality.

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We are all being played by the security state. Both Macron and Putin are graduates of the World Economic Forum's young leaders program along with Merkel and Xi Jinping was a keynote speaker at Davos this year stating that he is fully on board with the "great reset" and the "sustainable" future proposed by the UN's Agenda 2030. Many of those in "confrontation" are old classmates trained by Klaus Schwab.

Here is Xi Jinping's message to the gathered central bankers, corporate CEO's and other assorted criminal billionaires planning to reduce the global population by 50% by the year 2030:


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Legacy media policy of "fair & balanced" gives us lies about foreign threats paired with lies about domestic threats. What is now a mild cold virus & folks who report treatments and jab injuries are now classified as terrorist threats. We have nothing to fear but stopping corp cash cows and protests against the ruling class.

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The great satan is an even greater satan of spin.

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https://dougmann.substack.com/p/no-to-war-against-russia-us-nato No to war against Russia! US NATO Hands off Ukraine (statement)

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You're a very naive Canadian... The European Communist Commission is just pretending. Don't forget that the german today in charge of the ECC is a NATO lover since the days when she was the minister of defence.


I just added the bag of money to make it clearer to the distracted ones!

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It's all theatre to distract us from what should now be the duty of every concerned citizen across the planet: namely, to bring to justice those responsible for the pseudo pandemic, the "vaccines" genocide and to throw a spanner in the works of the nefarious architects of the Great Reset, designed to turn us humans into a servile species of flesh and blood robots ruled over by unelected, Fauci-type technocrats.

The roots of this conspiracy of the rich and powerful reach back many decades and involve a complex and constantly-evolving network of public and private sector players, whose motivations and methodology are meticulously documented here:


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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

My take: The US first exaggerated a Russian invasion in Nov 2021. Russia then played along leaking twitter and tiktok clips of military vehicles being transported by rail. That in turn made the US go into overdrive in January 2022 calling the invasion "imminent". But the downturn of that was that the capital flight from Ukraine was accelerated.

Russia now is in a comfortable position: It is pretty cheap to move military vehicles from A to B (the soldiers stay in their barracks) and let Western media do the work. While Russia can keep doing that for months and even years, the West needs to sponsor Ukraines economy more and more. Capital doesnt like the risk of war, being lost. It needs stability. The crisis is a game of chicken, of who can keep doing it longer. My guess is Russia.

The Ukraine crisis is about a combination of Nord Stream 2, Russian security needs, force execution of Minsk 2 on Ukraine & West and upping the costs of the West to keep sponsoring Ukraine, if Russian demands are not met.

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How long can this mainstream hysterical warmongering continue? The only similar event in the last ten years that comes to mind is when Obama walked back from his red line in Syria at the end of summer 2013, an event that prefigured the mysterious Jiffy Popping into being of Islamic State's caliphate. I hope that's not what comes next if Nuland-Blinken-Sullivan don't get there wish for a war before the end of the Olympics.

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Another brilliant expose’ by Aaron Mate, showing the total subservience of the MSM to our corrupted and bipartisan ruling elite. The only thing to add is how this latest charade of fear mongering is accelerating the loss of legitimacy of our mis-leaders in the eyes of the US public.

After Iraq’s WMD’s and twenty years of disastrous losing wars, after the Great Financial collapse and bailout of the banksters, after the four-year saga of the Russia-gate hoax, and the ridiculous Ukraine-gate impeachment, after the utter failure—at all levels— of containing the Covid virus while wealth inequality skyrocketed, we are being rushed along into two new Cold Wars with both Russia and China by an enfeebled president with a long history of advancing disastrous policies.

So, how long will Americans put up with this? My guess, not much longer.

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But we allow Israel to keep theirs?

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