I'm happy to have you in my world, Aaron. I never give up my own authority to decide what to believe based on who to believe, but I agree with your perspective 99% of the time and believe in your integrity 100%.
The official line that "it is up to Ukraine" to make a settlement with Russia is such a bullshit deceitful lie by USA war-hawk crowd whose real goal is to extend the war as long as possible. Aaron's point that if that was true then USA and Boris Johnson would not be scuttling previous negotiations as have. Nor would USA have participated in the sabotaging of Nordstream2 (a direct act of war). The fact is US taxpayers are being forced to flip the bill for a war they were never allowed to vote upon, and for which Biden's involvement in the Ukraine provocation was hidden from voters by DNC operatives and deep-state war planners, that suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop news story on the eve of our last election.
Why do you think that those that write on this issue never mention Obama's name? He was president when we participated in a coup that supported Fascists to oust a pro Russian Yanukovych, I mean what did Obama think was going to happen when we entered Russia's backyard. I know he didn't make the phone call that was deciding who should take his place, but Nuland no doubt got the thumbs up from her boss. She obviously didn't care what the EU had to say since she said Fuck them. What would any president think was going to happen, and what would we have done if Russia had done that to us?
Fran, I agree, except I am unconvinced that Obama was Nuland’s boss. Are we really supposed to believe that any president is actually in charge of The Empire? Do we really think Biden has the faculties to be the boss of anyone? IMO, the hierarchy of the leaders we elect is not the hierarchy of those who rule, so the sooner we disabuse ourselves of the belief that presidents are anything more than figureheads and divisive distractions for those who still cling to the hope that we live in a democracy, the better.
I agree that there is an established order that's hard for presidents to buck, but Obama did support the Iran deal bucking strong opposition. Unfortunately our politicians do fall in line too easily. Not one would acknowledge a broader perspective on Ukraine, and Russia, other then Ukraine, America good, Russia bad. The US can say this not long after our many wars based on lies that killed and destroyed millions of lives. Obama was Nuland's boss and was Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. I know what your getting at, she's Kagan's wife, and he has a lot of neocon clout. No, Nuland got the okay from Obama who supported a Fascist backed coup in Ukraine to help determine who would be the next pro-western president in charge. He also took us into a war with Libya, and sometimes I wonder what he thinks of those black slave markets they have now, but not under Gaddafi, then his dirty war in Syria, and he must have given Clinton a thumbs up in supporting a military coup in Honduras which made the country poorer and a lot more violent. Now Biden, whom I never liked, and does have mental issues, may have less to say, and has Blinken, and other's who no doubt have a bigger hand in our foreign and domestic policies. However, lets remember Biden supported all of our middle eastern wars, and he and Billy Clinton put the screws to Russia in the 1990's No, I'm going to hold all our opportunistic elected politicians accountable and too often adopt policies that serve their own needs, and those of the wealthy who support their campaigns which provide them access to our elected officials that no one should have other then the American people.
I’m not opposed to holding presidents responsible for everything that happens under their watch. Whether they give direct orders, or whether they are insulated from decisions so they can maintain “plausible deniability,” the buck stops with them. Still, I do think presidents—even those with exceptional mental faculties like Obama—are excluded from a surprising number of decisions that we just assume they are making. With a mentally impaired president like Biden, I imagine most of his “decisions” are of the rubber stamp variety—someone puts the paper in front of him and tells him where to sign
With regard to Obama’s complicity in resurrecting slave markets in Libya, compare that to Jewish Zelensky’s support of Nazis. These “creatures” have no moral boundaries.
First off, I didn't say Obama implemented slave markets in Libya, but rather as a result of the war he supported in that country, slave markets now exist. Gaddafi was no racist. I voted for Obama, and in the middle of my enthusiasm I read this article in the Progressive written by a Black man who worked with him in Chicago politics who said he was no progressive, and he wasn't. No doubt what you say is true, but the system itself is set up so that corporate interests come first, while the interests of the American people are secondary and they know it.
They go along because it is in the best interest of their careers. I really like Caitland Johstone, and in reference to what is going on in Ukraine she'll shield Obama from criticism by saying he didn't send weapons, but Trump did. During the Obama administration we supported Fascist to overthrow a pro-Russian government, and yeah it's a neocon agenda, and do doubt there was pressure put on him to even support Nazi's, but by accommodating, or adopting their agenda as well as those other presidents who inducted one country after another into NATO they may have precipitated a nuclear war.
I am no fan of con-man "O". Much of the pre-staging for our current crisis was done under Obama, who I believe put Biden in charge of Ukraine policy. Voters need to do what big donors to the candidates do. They need to pay attention to the cabinet appointees who end up making policy, and are selected for their particular bias. Nuland, wife of the co-author of New American Century Kagan , was absolute red flag. As was Larry Summers regarding the banking crisis.
If you mention the word neocon to people, most know nothing about them or their agenda, or how they came into being. The Project for a New American Century pretty much laid out their agenda before 9/11. They already have roles in Biden's White House , Nuland and Blinkin and Biden's foreign policy team is full of neo-conservative lobbyists and liberal hawks, and they're already implementing a US imperial policy. Blinken thinks the destruction of Nord Stream, which I know we did, is a wonderful opportunity for Europe to become energy independent? He has the nerve to say this when Biden has to beg the Saudi's to give us a hand and increase their oil production, and now he is dipping into our reserves to lower gas prices so the dems don't get a kick in the ass come November? I think they are crazy enough to court a nuclear war.
The USA has not "won" a war since WWII, and after 77 years, I think we know the end game for Ukraine--enrich the MIC, which in turn enriches the elected and appointed officials, weaken Russia and maybe they will fall, keep us all fearful and distracted. I am hoping that what we have learned is that the USA is not democracy and never has been. There is nothing that can save us from ourselves and the greater evil who were elected, short of a people's revolution or Armageddon.
My opninion on Zelensky has (ironically for me) throughout this process changed the most. He is a figure like Melania Trump for me.
On the one hand I pity Zelensky for the situation his is in. I understand his anger and demands towards the west, particularly the US. I'm 100% sure Zelensky was promised "total support" from the US and is seeing now how he was lied to. On the other hand, WTF did Zelensky expect? We have done the same thing to so many leaders in so many countries just since WWII that you have to be a moron to think the US would treat him differently. Alternatively Zelensky is so corrupt that he has convinced himself he'll be able to take the cash and run before someone kills him.
So like Melania, I pity Zelensky, but only to a degree. They made their beds...
Why on earth are you trying to compare Zelensky to Melania Trump when there is no comparison? Wretched war-monger Zelensky, who cares not a whit for his people, is not worth one ounce of pity. Trump didn't start this war, and he has said repeatedly that the US should be negotiating an end to it. Biden, OTOH, would rather go to "Armageddon" than ever talk to Putin. This country would not be facing nuclear war if Trump was still the president. Some people will never get over their TDS.
Trump shredded the INF treat, the Open Skies treaty, and tried to sink the “New START” treaty. This is an addition to sending weapons to Ukraine and an attempted “color revolution” in Belarus. He also continued the “Aegis Ashore” missile project for Poland, which was yet another sore point in US-Russian relations. I give credit to Trump for at least saying the right thing right now, but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is a partisan issue. There has been a steady trajectory towards this moment that extends through the presidencies of Clinton, W., Obama, Trump and abide.
That’s not TDS. That’s placing the blame where it rightly belongs: on the foreign policy/national security establishment and the MIC - or the “Deep State,” if you will - and all the Presidents who have either actively gone along with it all or simply failed to rein it in.
Zelensky is a disgusting kapo POS. The scumbag won office running on a platform of making peace in Donbas. The nationalists refused his request to withdrawl from the front. They then continued to threaten him until he sold out his electorate mandate and became a tool of West and those very neo-Nazis. What a garbage human being!
That is a wonderfully colorful summary of Zelenksy's political career. No doubt Zelensky is corrupt. I sometimes wonder if he was ever sincere.
Zelenksy's political team is his television production company. He was taking huge amounts of cash from his Ukrainian oligarch sugar daddy long before he became president, and stashing that money overseas. He lied about/hid/understated his assets before being elected, so it is clear that he knows how bad it would have looked if the public had known about his wealth.
Back to my point about sincerity: Zelensky was playing a role as Ukrainian president on TV, then took his production crew as political team into office. Maybe he was just playing a role as "the peacemaker" in the election. Maybe he was playing a role as the president who got rebuffed by the Azov Nazis at the front line trying for peace. Maybe he knew, or even arranged and staged all that so that he had plausible deniability for war crimes in the Ukrainne civil war.
We've seen that Zelensky is great at staging photo ops now during the war with Russia. Why not beforehand as well?
Great points !! Obviously, Zelensky et al. inc., are skilled manipulators. Even though I criticize the strength of his loyalty to Ukraine, it may be even worse as you suggest, and actually calculated by his production team. Not sure it matters as either way he is a traitor to Ukraine and a POS 100% !!!
Melania Trump? Where did that come from? As far as Zelensky is concerned, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first, but he is knowingly leading to the full destruction of his country and causing untold suffering of the people because he refuses to negotiate. In fact, he pulled out of two peace deals. The first, the Minsk Agreement, refusing to sign it, and the second in April, when a peace deal was almost there that would have Russia fully withdraw in exchange for the Donbas having semi-autonomous control and Ukraine would publicly renounce any desire to join NATO and would remain neutral. Boris Johnson flew into Kiev, at the direction of the U.S., and told Zelensky to pull out of the agreement. He is a madman in my book, turning down two reasonable peace deals that would have saved his country and thousands of lives. Shame on him.
I think comparing Zelensky to Melania Trump in inane. We all make our beds, some turn out better than others. Melania, like Hillary, made theirs. But Zelensky has gone from playing a role to being that role, and thinks he can disappear with his cash and leave NATO and Ukraine hanging. He should know by now that when the CIA wants you, there is no place to hide.
LOL. You are agreeing with my point regarding Zelensky. You have no way of knowing whether Zelensky is still playing a role or being that role. Only he (and maybe his wife/inner circle) know that. You are assuming a fact and also assuming you know what he is thinking and planning. You know what they say when you "assume" something.
I'll add that Melanie was (reportedly) really not happy when her husband became president and her actions while he was in office support that view.
I can see a parallel universe where Trump became more famous and rich as the guy who got "cheated" out of the White House in 2016, and Zelensky got more famous and rich being the Ukrainian president who stood up to Russia and didn't get invaded. In our universe they both played their roles but they are supporting actors, not the star or director, and in the following acts of the play their characters may get killed. That last only for Zelensky. If Melania was smart she never got involved in the Trump real estate world and will walk away damaged but not destroyed.
When the arms industries and intelligence agencies easy Afghanistan money dried up, they needed another long term conflict for them to keep their profits and funding up.
Nah, Biden's crew has been intimately involved with Ukraine. They knew it was coming to a head, quit Afghan scam, raised the military budget, and readied themselves for their next war scam.
True, I am just saying the whole transition was planned. They did not give up Afghanistan without knowing where the next funding was coming from. They are professionals and would never work in that way.
If US officials really think that Russia "cannot win the war outright" they are living in la-la land. As I see it the only way for this war to end is for Russia to keep grinding Ukraine into the ground until what's left of the military finally gives up, throws down their weapons, and removes the criminal Zelensky regime from power. It can't happen soon enough. Don't the remaining Ukrainian subjects realize that there would be no war if the US Empire wasn't pushing it until the last one of them is dead?
That is part of the reason the CIA and warplanners select the most extreme elements as proxies. AQ in Afghanistan, similar terrorists funneled through Turkey into Syria, and now Ukrainian Nazi militants.
This is the game...fascist US govt. sells weapons to Ukraine. MIC makes tons of $$$. US congress persons and others in alphabet agencies have stock options in MIC. The more war, the more money made. This is evil and especially pernicious evil as innocent people die to keep this game going. And folks say there is no such thing as hell. Really? Methinks Bush is going there...Hillary...Obama....McCain is probably already there....
Aaron you are always a pleasure to listen to even though the subjects you tackle are so difficult. You always are diplomatic in your comments. We appreciate you very much.
These forever wars are meant not to be "won", but to drag on for as long as possible and continue to drain money out of the Treasury, launder it through the MIC, and funnel it back to the political class after a large cut (estimates are that up to $9 trillion is unaccounted for) is siphoned off. It is probably the biggest heist ever pulled off in history. A racket that has literally transferred trillions of dollars out of the vault of the U.S. Treasury and no one even blinks an eye.
Thank you very much. It is never explained WHY such pathological hate of democratic capitalist Russia and total support of Nazi-dominated Ukraine government !!
Roots for this propaganda predate the Russia-gate FBI-DNC hoax and FBI 2020 election theft.
Stand with Russia – it fights for all of us against bipartisan fascist US/UK warmongering clique.
Jacob Dreizin – Oct. 13 – Racism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine
Bush Obama Clinton not Kerry Trump Biden. All put pressure on Russia in various ways. This continuity is striking. Do US is not a withdrawing empire the way Great Britain was lacking resources after World War II. But I think our policy makers are afraid of losing ground in the long run. hence preemptive action using the poor people of Ukraine who will never recover from this line of action. No one can really predict how this is going to end. I am hoping for sanity from European statesman. Friends who live in Italy complain about the growing mediocrity of European heads of state. I just report With certainty only about the UK where leaders of the labour party and the conservative party fit this description. The only sane one right now seems to be Macron.
Aaron I support all of your work and believe in what you are doing. I am struggling with your support of Scott Ritter. I believe him when he speaks on these issues and find him credible. I hate cancel culture and yet I can’t get square with his history. Can you help me with how you have done so?
I'm happy to have you in my world, Aaron. I never give up my own authority to decide what to believe based on who to believe, but I agree with your perspective 99% of the time and believe in your integrity 100%.
As always, this substack is $5 well spent.
The official line that "it is up to Ukraine" to make a settlement with Russia is such a bullshit deceitful lie by USA war-hawk crowd whose real goal is to extend the war as long as possible. Aaron's point that if that was true then USA and Boris Johnson would not be scuttling previous negotiations as have. Nor would USA have participated in the sabotaging of Nordstream2 (a direct act of war). The fact is US taxpayers are being forced to flip the bill for a war they were never allowed to vote upon, and for which Biden's involvement in the Ukraine provocation was hidden from voters by DNC operatives and deep-state war planners, that suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop news story on the eve of our last election.
Why do you think that those that write on this issue never mention Obama's name? He was president when we participated in a coup that supported Fascists to oust a pro Russian Yanukovych, I mean what did Obama think was going to happen when we entered Russia's backyard. I know he didn't make the phone call that was deciding who should take his place, but Nuland no doubt got the thumbs up from her boss. She obviously didn't care what the EU had to say since she said Fuck them. What would any president think was going to happen, and what would we have done if Russia had done that to us?
Fran, I agree, except I am unconvinced that Obama was Nuland’s boss. Are we really supposed to believe that any president is actually in charge of The Empire? Do we really think Biden has the faculties to be the boss of anyone? IMO, the hierarchy of the leaders we elect is not the hierarchy of those who rule, so the sooner we disabuse ourselves of the belief that presidents are anything more than figureheads and divisive distractions for those who still cling to the hope that we live in a democracy, the better.
I agree that there is an established order that's hard for presidents to buck, but Obama did support the Iran deal bucking strong opposition. Unfortunately our politicians do fall in line too easily. Not one would acknowledge a broader perspective on Ukraine, and Russia, other then Ukraine, America good, Russia bad. The US can say this not long after our many wars based on lies that killed and destroyed millions of lives. Obama was Nuland's boss and was Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. I know what your getting at, she's Kagan's wife, and he has a lot of neocon clout. No, Nuland got the okay from Obama who supported a Fascist backed coup in Ukraine to help determine who would be the next pro-western president in charge. He also took us into a war with Libya, and sometimes I wonder what he thinks of those black slave markets they have now, but not under Gaddafi, then his dirty war in Syria, and he must have given Clinton a thumbs up in supporting a military coup in Honduras which made the country poorer and a lot more violent. Now Biden, whom I never liked, and does have mental issues, may have less to say, and has Blinken, and other's who no doubt have a bigger hand in our foreign and domestic policies. However, lets remember Biden supported all of our middle eastern wars, and he and Billy Clinton put the screws to Russia in the 1990's No, I'm going to hold all our opportunistic elected politicians accountable and too often adopt policies that serve their own needs, and those of the wealthy who support their campaigns which provide them access to our elected officials that no one should have other then the American people.
I’m not opposed to holding presidents responsible for everything that happens under their watch. Whether they give direct orders, or whether they are insulated from decisions so they can maintain “plausible deniability,” the buck stops with them. Still, I do think presidents—even those with exceptional mental faculties like Obama—are excluded from a surprising number of decisions that we just assume they are making. With a mentally impaired president like Biden, I imagine most of his “decisions” are of the rubber stamp variety—someone puts the paper in front of him and tells him where to sign
With regard to Obama’s complicity in resurrecting slave markets in Libya, compare that to Jewish Zelensky’s support of Nazis. These “creatures” have no moral boundaries.
First off, I didn't say Obama implemented slave markets in Libya, but rather as a result of the war he supported in that country, slave markets now exist. Gaddafi was no racist. I voted for Obama, and in the middle of my enthusiasm I read this article in the Progressive written by a Black man who worked with him in Chicago politics who said he was no progressive, and he wasn't. No doubt what you say is true, but the system itself is set up so that corporate interests come first, while the interests of the American people are secondary and they know it.
They go along because it is in the best interest of their careers. I really like Caitland Johstone, and in reference to what is going on in Ukraine she'll shield Obama from criticism by saying he didn't send weapons, but Trump did. During the Obama administration we supported Fascist to overthrow a pro-Russian government, and yeah it's a neocon agenda, and do doubt there was pressure put on him to even support Nazi's, but by accommodating, or adopting their agenda as well as those other presidents who inducted one country after another into NATO they may have precipitated a nuclear war.
I am no fan of con-man "O". Much of the pre-staging for our current crisis was done under Obama, who I believe put Biden in charge of Ukraine policy. Voters need to do what big donors to the candidates do. They need to pay attention to the cabinet appointees who end up making policy, and are selected for their particular bias. Nuland, wife of the co-author of New American Century Kagan , was absolute red flag. As was Larry Summers regarding the banking crisis.
If you mention the word neocon to people, most know nothing about them or their agenda, or how they came into being. The Project for a New American Century pretty much laid out their agenda before 9/11. They already have roles in Biden's White House , Nuland and Blinkin and Biden's foreign policy team is full of neo-conservative lobbyists and liberal hawks, and they're already implementing a US imperial policy. Blinken thinks the destruction of Nord Stream, which I know we did, is a wonderful opportunity for Europe to become energy independent? He has the nerve to say this when Biden has to beg the Saudi's to give us a hand and increase their oil production, and now he is dipping into our reserves to lower gas prices so the dems don't get a kick in the ass come November? I think they are crazy enough to court a nuclear war.
The USA has not "won" a war since WWII, and after 77 years, I think we know the end game for Ukraine--enrich the MIC, which in turn enriches the elected and appointed officials, weaken Russia and maybe they will fall, keep us all fearful and distracted. I am hoping that what we have learned is that the USA is not democracy and never has been. There is nothing that can save us from ourselves and the greater evil who were elected, short of a people's revolution or Armageddon.
My opninion on Zelensky has (ironically for me) throughout this process changed the most. He is a figure like Melania Trump for me.
On the one hand I pity Zelensky for the situation his is in. I understand his anger and demands towards the west, particularly the US. I'm 100% sure Zelensky was promised "total support" from the US and is seeing now how he was lied to. On the other hand, WTF did Zelensky expect? We have done the same thing to so many leaders in so many countries just since WWII that you have to be a moron to think the US would treat him differently. Alternatively Zelensky is so corrupt that he has convinced himself he'll be able to take the cash and run before someone kills him.
So like Melania, I pity Zelensky, but only to a degree. They made their beds...
Why on earth are you trying to compare Zelensky to Melania Trump when there is no comparison? Wretched war-monger Zelensky, who cares not a whit for his people, is not worth one ounce of pity. Trump didn't start this war, and he has said repeatedly that the US should be negotiating an end to it. Biden, OTOH, would rather go to "Armageddon" than ever talk to Putin. This country would not be facing nuclear war if Trump was still the president. Some people will never get over their TDS.
Trump shredded the INF treat, the Open Skies treaty, and tried to sink the “New START” treaty. This is an addition to sending weapons to Ukraine and an attempted “color revolution” in Belarus. He also continued the “Aegis Ashore” missile project for Poland, which was yet another sore point in US-Russian relations. I give credit to Trump for at least saying the right thing right now, but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is a partisan issue. There has been a steady trajectory towards this moment that extends through the presidencies of Clinton, W., Obama, Trump and abide.
That’s not TDS. That’s placing the blame where it rightly belongs: on the foreign policy/national security establishment and the MIC - or the “Deep State,” if you will - and all the Presidents who have either actively gone along with it all or simply failed to rein it in.
F**ckin autocorrect. I meant “treaty,” not “treat;” and “Biden,” not “abide.”
You appear to have completely missed my point.
BTW: Melania and Donald are different people.
Zelensky is a disgusting kapo POS. The scumbag won office running on a platform of making peace in Donbas. The nationalists refused his request to withdrawl from the front. They then continued to threaten him until he sold out his electorate mandate and became a tool of West and those very neo-Nazis. What a garbage human being!
That is a wonderfully colorful summary of Zelenksy's political career. No doubt Zelensky is corrupt. I sometimes wonder if he was ever sincere.
Zelenksy's political team is his television production company. He was taking huge amounts of cash from his Ukrainian oligarch sugar daddy long before he became president, and stashing that money overseas. He lied about/hid/understated his assets before being elected, so it is clear that he knows how bad it would have looked if the public had known about his wealth.
Back to my point about sincerity: Zelensky was playing a role as Ukrainian president on TV, then took his production crew as political team into office. Maybe he was just playing a role as "the peacemaker" in the election. Maybe he was playing a role as the president who got rebuffed by the Azov Nazis at the front line trying for peace. Maybe he knew, or even arranged and staged all that so that he had plausible deniability for war crimes in the Ukrainne civil war.
We've seen that Zelensky is great at staging photo ops now during the war with Russia. Why not beforehand as well?
Great points !! Obviously, Zelensky et al. inc., are skilled manipulators. Even though I criticize the strength of his loyalty to Ukraine, it may be even worse as you suggest, and actually calculated by his production team. Not sure it matters as either way he is a traitor to Ukraine and a POS 100% !!!
Melania Trump? Where did that come from? As far as Zelensky is concerned, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first, but he is knowingly leading to the full destruction of his country and causing untold suffering of the people because he refuses to negotiate. In fact, he pulled out of two peace deals. The first, the Minsk Agreement, refusing to sign it, and the second in April, when a peace deal was almost there that would have Russia fully withdraw in exchange for the Donbas having semi-autonomous control and Ukraine would publicly renounce any desire to join NATO and would remain neutral. Boris Johnson flew into Kiev, at the direction of the U.S., and told Zelensky to pull out of the agreement. He is a madman in my book, turning down two reasonable peace deals that would have saved his country and thousands of lives. Shame on him.
I think comparing Zelensky to Melania Trump in inane. We all make our beds, some turn out better than others. Melania, like Hillary, made theirs. But Zelensky has gone from playing a role to being that role, and thinks he can disappear with his cash and leave NATO and Ukraine hanging. He should know by now that when the CIA wants you, there is no place to hide.
LOL. You are agreeing with my point regarding Zelensky. You have no way of knowing whether Zelensky is still playing a role or being that role. Only he (and maybe his wife/inner circle) know that. You are assuming a fact and also assuming you know what he is thinking and planning. You know what they say when you "assume" something.
I'll add that Melanie was (reportedly) really not happy when her husband became president and her actions while he was in office support that view.
I can see a parallel universe where Trump became more famous and rich as the guy who got "cheated" out of the White House in 2016, and Zelensky got more famous and rich being the Ukrainian president who stood up to Russia and didn't get invaded. In our universe they both played their roles but they are supporting actors, not the star or director, and in the following acts of the play their characters may get killed. That last only for Zelensky. If Melania was smart she never got involved in the Trump real estate world and will walk away damaged but not destroyed.
When the arms industries and intelligence agencies easy Afghanistan money dried up, they needed another long term conflict for them to keep their profits and funding up.
Nah, Biden's crew has been intimately involved with Ukraine. They knew it was coming to a head, quit Afghan scam, raised the military budget, and readied themselves for their next war scam.
Yes...I think we’re saying the same thing. Two sides of the same neo-con coin.
True, I am just saying the whole transition was planned. They did not give up Afghanistan without knowing where the next funding was coming from. They are professionals and would never work in that way.
If US officials really think that Russia "cannot win the war outright" they are living in la-la land. As I see it the only way for this war to end is for Russia to keep grinding Ukraine into the ground until what's left of the military finally gives up, throws down their weapons, and removes the criminal Zelensky regime from power. It can't happen soon enough. Don't the remaining Ukrainian subjects realize that there would be no war if the US Empire wasn't pushing it until the last one of them is dead?
That is part of the reason the CIA and warplanners select the most extreme elements as proxies. AQ in Afghanistan, similar terrorists funneled through Turkey into Syria, and now Ukrainian Nazi militants.
This is the game...fascist US govt. sells weapons to Ukraine. MIC makes tons of $$$. US congress persons and others in alphabet agencies have stock options in MIC. The more war, the more money made. This is evil and especially pernicious evil as innocent people die to keep this game going. And folks say there is no such thing as hell. Really? Methinks Bush is going there...Hillary...Obama....McCain is probably already there....
Aaron you are always a pleasure to listen to even though the subjects you tackle are so difficult. You always are diplomatic in your comments. We appreciate you very much.
Thanks Aaron. Spot on as per normal.
These forever wars are meant not to be "won", but to drag on for as long as possible and continue to drain money out of the Treasury, launder it through the MIC, and funnel it back to the political class after a large cut (estimates are that up to $9 trillion is unaccounted for) is siphoned off. It is probably the biggest heist ever pulled off in history. A racket that has literally transferred trillions of dollars out of the vault of the U.S. Treasury and no one even blinks an eye.
One day I'll read a piece on what is happening in Ukraine today and someone will mention Obama's name and his culpability in what is going on now.
Thank you very much. It is never explained WHY such pathological hate of democratic capitalist Russia and total support of Nazi-dominated Ukraine government !!
Roots for this propaganda predate the Russia-gate FBI-DNC hoax and FBI 2020 election theft.
Stand with Russia – it fights for all of us against bipartisan fascist US/UK warmongering clique.
Jacob Dreizin – Oct. 13 – Racism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine
Bush Obama Clinton not Kerry Trump Biden. All put pressure on Russia in various ways. This continuity is striking. Do US is not a withdrawing empire the way Great Britain was lacking resources after World War II. But I think our policy makers are afraid of losing ground in the long run. hence preemptive action using the poor people of Ukraine who will never recover from this line of action. No one can really predict how this is going to end. I am hoping for sanity from European statesman. Friends who live in Italy complain about the growing mediocrity of European heads of state. I just report With certainty only about the UK where leaders of the labour party and the conservative party fit this description. The only sane one right now seems to be Macron.
Aaron I support all of your work and believe in what you are doing. I am struggling with your support of Scott Ritter. I believe him when he speaks on these issues and find him credible. I hate cancel culture and yet I can’t get square with his history. Can you help me with how you have done so?
Thank you !! Can we talk about Ukraine? (Audio Version) –Darryl Cooper - 10/18/2022