Oct 15, 2023Liked by Aaron Maté

Great, great article. So truthful , honest and courageous. Thank you Aaron- b.

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We need more voices, like yours, exploring the human and inhumane ingredients that give rise to this heartbreaking plight. I believe the majority of Jewish and Palestinian people value life and are collateral casualties within a systemic power structure governed by hate and greed.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Aaron Maté

My plan, as an 80 year old Jew,

I go to every Pro Gaza demo, in LA, and there have already been several.

warn every Democrat, that no money from me, forever, if they suck up racist settlor colonial Israel. Period. In CA, no repug can win, so i don’t deal with them

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The response of western media and governments is so disappointing. There seems to be no value for Palestinian lives and suffering. Only Israeli suffering matters to them. I wish we could have been equal in seeing the suffering of all humans. But peoples personal interests take priority over morals. Thats why you will see west neglect the Palestinian suffering as Israel is a strong ally while they would speak about Uyghur suffering as China is an adversary. I doubt if they even genuinly care about Uyghur suffering or just want a point against China.

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This article is a perfect elucidation. That’s the highest praise I can think of.

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Thank you, Aaron.

Why I no longer stand with Israel, and never will again – Scott Ritter, Oct. 13

Hamas was created and financed for years by “our beloved” apartheid Bibi (of “Kill Rabin” fame), who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy than religious extremists.

Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution -- just like Bibi and his extremists who, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades.


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If we failed to understand it before, we must now recognize and acknowledge that the US is run by a criminal regime. One that fully supports, endorses, and helps finance Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. We must never allow our leaders to evade their personal responsibility for these crimes. The unmistakeable words of Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley urging the complete destruction of Gaza would be subjected to prosecution in a normal country. Instead, in the US, those supporting Palestinian human rights are subjected to censorship and harassment by our authorities. We must never forget this.

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... also important, ( what’s ) the % of people in the United States who do not support this genocide?

Who realizes ( so far ) that our leadership is not just attempting to conceal it, but is actively assisting to carry this out (?)

-JJ ( Detroit )

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I am very confused. I have read books, have at least a basic understanding of the last 2000 years of history, the crimes of all the leaders on both sides. At least am cognisant of the rationale for both parties to the land depending on how you want to make that type of decision. And I can’t get over that I can’t see how Israel hasn’t at least tried to find peace and has consistently been rebuffed while also taking more and more advantage at every rebuff. And it seems the argument is that is real should not exist. I disagree with Israel punishing all of the innocent people, and would advocate for UN interference ( trust that group little) and a forced peace but also can’t understand what Israel is supposed to have done to stop this from happening other than it should never have existed. As a paying member I am hoping for a response unfairly but I can’t find a decent answer on this subject.

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Big picture the U.S. and Israel have already lost this conflict since their only solution to the crisis is the extermination of Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas has succeeded in calling the question. The more Israel and the U.S. escalate (two carrier groups now in the Mediterranean; bunker busters for Gaza City), the greater the loss of their hegemony.

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“Hassan and Levy condition their guidance on the principle that “one accepts the humanity and equality of all people without discrimination or distinction.”

Neither side in this war / terrorist act / peace keeping mission / illegal occupation / annexation / police action / prison revolt / freedom riot seem to agree with this core tenant of liberalism, so why the attempt to justify either side. Frankly, after reading that history, I don’t actually know if there is a rational framing for the conflict. The actions of both sides indicate a desire for genocide and I just wish the US would stop taking part in conflicts where both sides are intent on genocide and in which the end result will obviously be more suffering than if the US hadn’t gotten involved.

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Early question I suppose but I am wondering if you had any idea of what the 'fallout' will be?

Obvious to me is that Netanyahu will have to go. I am also interested in the percentage of people in Israel who don't support this genocide I imagine it's quite a few.

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Aaron, although I'm a supporter, I don't always read your missives. This one caught my attention because I am in full agreement with you. The state of Israel was founded and has existed in my lifetime. I was even involved in Nixon's rush of ammunition and other supplies to Israel during the Yom Kipper War (to prevent American Jew Golda Meir from using nukes Israel has never acknowledged.) Although I supported Israel up until that time, my attitude changed when I found out that Israel had billed the United States for all the goodies they "gave" us "in gratitude" for coming to their aid.

Israel came about as a result of terrorism. It became a nation when the Jewish terrorists proclaimed themselves independent. The United States (Harry Truman) recognized them the next day. Wisely, Eisenhower stayed out of the situation but Kennedy started "selling" arms to Israel and LBJ escalated it. Since then, the United States has been bankrolling the Israeli government, particularly the military. Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid.

The irony in the Middle East is that ALL of the people involved are cousins, most of them descendants of Abraham through his sons Issac and Ishmael and the other six sons he had with Keturah. In short, this is a family squabble over land.

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Excellent analysis, as usual. Understanding the full context of what has happened, and is still occurring regarding how Israel was founded and the continuing oppression of the Palestinian people exposes the "unconditional" supporters of Israel as possessing a situational and tribal moral ethic that is deeply inhumane to its core.

If one cared about humanity universally then these types would be demanding a ceasefire and a negotiated solution to the issues of a Palestinian homeland. Particularly to be rejected are the pseudo-religious Christianistas who claim that there is some sort of Scriptural basis for all of this. Whatever the Jewish people were called by God to do, it is not this. Peace Now!

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Call me cynical, but I reckon Israel knew about the Hamas attack, and allowed it to proceed. It then gave them the reason to implement their Final Solution to the Gaza problem: Invade Gaza from the north, driving all Palestinians to the south, open the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, close it, and then deny any Palestinian their "right to return". Result: No Palestinians in Gaza; hence, Gaza is now fully part of Israel, to be populated by Israelis.

Seems perfectly logical to me. The Golan Heights aren't going to be given back to Syria, and the Jewish "settlers" in the West Bank will continue to displace the Palestinians until they have no land left to live on. So they'll be gone too. End result: Israel successfully ethnically cleanses the land they stole from the Palestinians; and this will be the "peace" they want: no Palestinians, no one to fight anymore.

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I fear that the tensions have been deliberately increased for a proxy war with Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. One of the biggest losers will be the Israelis, just like the Ukrainians have been. Once the US and UK tax payers get sick again; as they did giving away their $billions to Lockheed Martin with no (or rather a positive) effect on Russia (while their own citizens of Maui get next to nothing) the US will pull out and leave Israel high and dry. This can only strengthen the Middle East alliances just like BRICS has been strengthened. The US and UK are also soon going to be left high and dry too.

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