Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Even apart from the provocation of Nato expansion on the magnitude of Georgia and Ukraine, the only way to resolve the civil war in Ukraine is to partition the country with the so-called "separatist" regions joining Russia. Ethnic nationalists with US backing have blocked a genuinely federalist solution enabling a high degree of autonomy for Russia-leaning regions of Ukraine within Ukrainian sovereignty.

Partition is a reasonable solution, but in effect the United States of Kievil would rather support ethnic cleansing. So much for the moral high ground. Russian has always occupied it since the Minsk agreements encouraged then sabotaged by the US for the purpose of engineering a war that in its eyes would end up destroying Russia as a great power.

We are exploiting a civil war for objectives that involve no threat to our own national security, for the sake of harming Russia mortally at Ukraine's expense.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

The neo-con theory of negotiation: Before they can negotiate with us, they must first accept all our demands. Then we can talk.

Neo-con ideologues are as bad as communists or fascists.

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Informative. And flawlessly written, as I experienced it. I'm so grateful for Mate's work.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Despite the fact that Russia undertook its mission in Ukraine without adequate forces but only 200 or 300k soldiers, it still has the upper hand occupying nearly 15-20% of key lands in Donbas.

The United States of Kievil vigorously supports a regime that simultaneously demands the restoration of Ukraine's 1991 borders (arbitrarily created by the Soviet Union) and the extinction of Russian language and culture in a country with a 40% Russian speaking population, so as to put nuclear weapons right on a huge swath of Russian border.

How does that end??

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Perhaps it would have been over by now if Putin had put adequate forces into Ukraine in the first place instead of his undermanned SMO, which only gave US/NATO time to reinforce the Zelensky regime with billions of dollars in high-tech weapons.

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Possibly. But the Russians to their credit have aimed at keeping casualties low (except for the Ukrainian military). Putin has also been slow to realize that the US aims to destroy Russia as a nation--but then, I was too, and I have followed this issue of Nato expansion for decades. The US has become the Evil Empire. That is no exaggeration. Russian ambitions in Ukraine and Georgia, too, for that matter, have always been restrained, limited, realizable (unlike neo-con fantasies), and political pertinent. And also, in the case of Ukraine, perhaps overly cautious. But who guessed just how crazy the neo-con policy elites in DC are or would become? They have really evolved! The earlier dirty wars are nothing by comparison. Who would have guessed they are willing to risk nuclear war? No rational person could endorse such a policy. If overly cautious, Putin is a very rational leader.

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Well said.

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Your conclusion, Aaron, that Ukraine has 'run its course' is an apt way to summarize the mixed messaging from 'leaks' and MSM. For veteran's day, Margaret Anna Alice republished My War by Frank Hooper, a brutally honest account of Vietnam. Rather than risk admitting they lost, the US framed it as a withdrawal on their own terms after the war had served the purpose of obliterating Vietnam on both sides. Now they can risk negotiation on Ukraine--Nordstream has been destroyed, Germany will endure a winter of cold, hunger and deindustrialization in punishment for renouncing US gas dependence, and the gullibility and appetite of the US population for faux-humanitarian wars has been amply proven.

Mission Accomplished.


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Other analysts are claiming that Ukrainian casualties are up to 10 times higher than those of Russia, not an equal amount. I always discount what the anti-Russia corporate mainstream media is reporting but are alternative sources (like Scott Ritter, the Duran, etc.) correct in their assessment? What is the truth about casualties anyway?

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I doubt it is 10x. 3-5x I could believe. Ukraine has lost a shitton of people since the first months of the war. I think, sadly, we'll see soon how many troops Ukraine has left find out when the ground freezes and Russia's new forces start coordinating individual offenses into larger campaigns.

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When the U.S. agrees to drop its sanctions on Russian exports, it is essential that Russia not agree to denominate its energy sales to Europe in dollars. Rubles work fine and are not recycled into the U.S. financial system, where dollars lubricate the U.S. imperial war machine.

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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

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Why does every major power want 1000km buffer from the US, but the US want a base right on every major power boarder?

This winter is going to be brutal for Ukraine. Even before the war, Ukraine had lost 30% of its population (50m->35M), with a possible 10-15M leaving due to the war. The US Military is looking at a collapse, that State either doesn't understand or care.

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THANK you !! - https://thegrayzone.com/2022/11/13/un-envoy-fabricating-viagra-russian/

UN envoy admits fabricating claim of Viagra-fueled rape as ‘Russian military strategy’

By Alexander Rubinstein – Nov.13, 2022 (Note: Hillary Clinton, i.e., the US War party, has established that particular UN envoy (its loudspeaker) position)

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As a European (long-term resident, anyway), we are VERY tired of this war. I can believe the US recognizes that soon it wil be clear it does not have the capacity to continue to supply Ukraine (we're now sending weapons from the 60s, mothballed since the 80s). I can also believe it is a ruse to get the EU and NATO members to "hold on a little longer" when really the US has no desire to negotiate. Both possiblibilites are about equally possible in my mind.

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Like the Gadarene swine, our leaders are determined to take us over the cliff.

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Let's go Brandon!

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An excellent, informative article. The more we see like this, the better off we “westerners” will be. But one issue looms huge to me that we rarely hear about: the Ukranian army is made up of many of the “leftovers from WWII, the Azov battalions, the Nazis that were not destroyed in that war. My impression from other writers is that Zelensky actively recruited them. Eastern Europeans, Russians, middle-Easterners have not forgotten them. The “Ukraine” as we know it is a recent invention. Can it realistically hold together? Apparently the US gov. helped to invent it, as did Stalinist Russia. Yes, we need to go forward, but we need to know what we’re trying to go with.

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Nikita Khrushchev helped to create today's crisis when he gave control of Crimea to

Ukraine. Since Ukraine remained part of the USSR (similar to a US state), he must have thought it didn't really matter who had administrative control of the peninsula, which was historically part of Russia.

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I differ from your interpretation, for a rare change. Why would the US reveal that it is calling for negotiations, but merely as a ruse to calm Europe? Because the US cannot keep its mouth shut about anything. I point to the statement, pretty stupid, a couple of years ago from a forgotten but high-ranking US official in which he bragged that the US had spent almost a billion dollars on beefing up its propaganda machine -- and that it was so good it put that of the Soviet Union to shame. He might as well have dared the world to tell the truth between a US lie and a US truth. "Only the Spooks know for sure!" There is no reason to doubt that somebody found it useful to assure Kiev, through the public media, that the "pressure to negotiate" was for show only. Furthermore, Russia will never agree to given Ukraine any part of the Donbass, and it is likely they won't change their minds until they control Odessa and through Odessa, secure Crimea. As to why the US military are wavering, perhaps they also see that this pause at Kherson is only buying time to bring in the reinforcements for another major push; and that meantime they intend to rain a lot of hell on the west Ukrainian heads. That is my take. As for US "diplomacy and diplomats," neither currently exists in Washington. It is all military policy masquerading as something else.

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Great points. Also it is pretty clear that when Russia starts treating this as a war with NATO instead of sparing Ukrainian lives by doing a SMO with limited troops-- the US will be exposed as the weak military (relative to Russia and China)power that it has become. Syria, Afghanistan etc. all current examples. Does the US want to risk its reputation as a "super power" especially militarily?

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